A title is a document that proves that you own property such as a home or a car. When you have a car loan your lender will usually have the title until you pay off the loan. When you buy a home you’ll buy title insurance to make sure your home’s title is clear and there are no liens on it. The title insurance company will run a title search to find out. Learn about how to make changes to a title here as well.
Tenancy By The Entirety Protects Property
A home owner wants to protect the title to his home, because his wife works in medicine, and could be sued. Tenancy by the entirety could be the best option. Tenancy by the entirety means both of them would own all of the home and would have to agree with most choices having to do with the ownership and sale of the home.
What is an easement? An easement allows a second party, such as a neighbor or utility company, access to your property. An easement is limited to a small part of a property usually and it stipulates the property's condition after the second party accesses the property. You can find out your property's easements by looking at the survey completed with your title insurance. Learn about easements here.
What Is A Title Commitment?
What is a title commitment? The title commitment is the promise the title company makes to provide title insurance. The title insurance protects you if anyone makes a claim against your property. The title commitment is used in conjunction with a survey that illustrates the property.
Title Insurance And Deeds
Learn what a property deed is and why it's important to have title insurance. A deed is a document of conveyance. A deed combined with title insurance guarantees your home ownership. Learn about deeds and title insurance.
What Does Title Insurance Cover?
What does title insurance cover? Title insurance covers property line disputes, easements, bad appraisals, fraud and forgery. Learn what title insurance covers before you buy it. Find out how title insurance protects you and your property.
No Title Insurance? What Could Happen?
What could happen without title insurance? Chicago Title's Gina Giannelli describes bad situations that happened when the property owners did not have title insurance. Buying title insurance protects you and your property.
Cost Of Title Insurance
The cost of title insurance varies depending on where you are buying property. Some states regulate the cost of title insurance. Other states allow for title insurance price competition. Chicago Title's Gina Giannelli explains the cost of title insurance.
How Long Does Title Insurance Last?
How long does title insurance last? What is the dollar value of a title insurance policy? Does title insurance cover the full property value? How do property value changes affect title insurance? Watch this video to learn the answers to these title insurance questions.
Divorce Advice For Women About House Title
Women going through divorce may need advice about what to do about their house, especially if their names aren't on the deed or title to the house. When your name is not on a house deed, do you still have a right to part of the home value? To figure out how to handle such a divorce situation you should see a divorce attorney.
Cohabitation Ownership Rights
What rights do people have with cohabitation? A couple moves in together but the woman's name is not on the deed or the mortgage. Does she have property rights from cohabitation? What impact does her financial contribution have on what she would get if the cohabitation ended?