When you buy a timeshare you’re buying an interest in a vacation property. To buy a timeshare you usually have to pay a down payment and then monthly payments. As an owner of a timeshare you usually have a right to stay at a participating property for several weeks throughout a year. But be aware, it’s difficult to sell a timeshare. Some people give timeshares to charity. Learn about timeshares here.
Timeshares: How Difficult Are Timeshares To Sell?
Timeshares: How Difficult Are Timeshares To Sell? Before buying a timeshare think about how tough it will be to sell it We get many questions from readers on timeshares. By far, the most common issue is how owners can get rid of their timeshare. There are many reasons why an owner would want to sell [...]
Getting Rid of a Timeshare
Getting Rid of a Timeshare A reader has tried some common recommendations for getting rid of a timeshare, but is running into a brick wall. Q: I frequently read your column/advice in my local paper. I’ve read your advice about getting rid of timeshares. I tried one of your recommendations about calling the timeshare and [...]
Getting Rid of a Timeshare Property
Options on Getting Rid of a Timeshare Property. Q: This is a comment regarding your article on getting rid of timeshare properties several months ago. I have two bits of information for disillusioned owners. Two of the major timeshare companies have a process where they can assist you in disposing of your timeshare ownership. Vistana [...]
Timeshares and Estate Planning: Is Probate Necessary?
We recently received a letter in response to one of our readers who wondered whether the timeshare owned by a parent would become the reader’s responsibility after the parent’s death. This is what this person wrote (The letter has been edited for clarity and space). Q: You recently ran an article from a reader who [...]
What Happens to My Timeshare After My Death?
What happens to my timeshare after my death? Scammers will try to convince you that your children will be responsible, but is that really the case? Q: I just read your article about considering fees and finances before inheriting a timeshare. As a timeshare owner who cannot sell or give his timeshare away (because, as [...]
How to Get Rid of a Timeshare
Getting rid of a timeshare can be a tricky business. Follow the advice below to sell or otherwise get rid of your timeshare and avoid timeshare scams. Q: I am successfully retired after making very good personal money decisions for 50 years. I think I’ve only made 3 huge mistakes: I did not buy Home [...]