Student loans are loans that people take out when they are going to college or private schools. To get a good interest rate on a student loan you need a good credit score. To apply for student loans you need to fill out forms from the lender, the university and the federal government. It’s important to understand how much money you’re borrowing, at what interest rate and how long you have to pay back that student loan. Student loans cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy.
Start Saving For College At Your Child’s Birth
How soon should you begin saving money so you can send your child to college? The best time to start saving for college is when your child is born. Saving for college beginning at birth gives you time to invest money in mutual funds and stocks. The sooner you begin saving money for college the more money you should have for your child's college education.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – June 19, 2005
This special 2-hour long Fathers' Day edition highlights the great advice our fathers have given us, including Ilyce's father's advice "Do what you love and the money will follow." Also included in today's show are the following topics: student loans, social security, the Dennis Kozlowski trial verdict, and "What IS rich?"
Student Loan Interest Rates May Rise
Making student loans payments can be a challenge for new graduates. For those who are about to enter the workforce, paying back student loans could get more expensive as interest rates are about to rise. Students could consolidate now to lock in the current rates, but they would lose the grace period. Also, by paying on time or electronically, some lenders will lower the interest rate.
Personal Finance and Declining Dollar
As the U.S. dollar declines in value it makes American assets such as the Chicago Skyway more desirable to foreign investors. How does a declining dollar value affect your pocketbook? When you travel you may get less currency in exchange for U.S. dollars. In addition to a declining dollar, Americans have been able to borrow money to buy items such as cars at low interest rates.
Transfer Deed Of Home To Avoid Student Loan Payments
Can a partner transfer the deed to their home and avoid paying off a student loan bill. There are legal and ethical angles to this proposition, but each person is responsible for his or her own debts and to the extent any of us has assets that can be used to pay these debts, we must use all or some of the assets for that purpose. Creditors have a legal right to pursue your partner for his debts when and if he stops paying his obligations. They do not have a right to pursue you, as long as you are not married to your partner.
Student Loan Debt Over Mortgage Debt
Should a student who wants to buy a house pay for graduate school with savings or take out a student loan? While interest rates for mortgages are extremely low, interest rates on student loans are even lower. Not only that, but you can defer repayment on your student loans until six months after graduation, and some of the interest is deductible on your federal income taxes.
Student Loans: Talk To College Financial Aid Office
When you're going to college you may need to take out student loans such as federal Stafford loans. The federal government sets limits on the amount of money you can borrow each year from the Stafford program. Learn what you can do to increase the amount of loan funds you borrow for college.
Student Loans And Credit Card Debt: Reduce It And Start Saving
Finding a way to reduce student loans and credit card debt while still saving money can be like walking a tightrope. Sometimes in order to save money and reduce student loans and credit card debt, you may have to take on a part-time job to generate extra income. Don't do just one or the other; instead try to reduce student loans and credit card debt each month, while also putting some money away in savings.
Save Cash Or Pay Off Debt?
Student loans and credit card debt are haunting a couple. Should they put their cash in savings or pay off their debt? With volatile credit card interest rates, it's always a good idea to get that debt paid down quickly and find out where you can save money elsewhere.
IRS Tax Refund: Pay Debt And Loans Down, Start IRA
Getting a tax refund from the IRS isn't much to brag about. If you're getting a tax refund from the IRS, you just gave the government an interest free loan by overpaying what you owed. There are some smart moves you can make with your tax refund from the IRS.