Student loans are loans that people take out when they are going to college or private schools. To get a good interest rate on a student loan you need a good credit score. To apply for student loans you need to fill out forms from the lender, the university and the federal government. It’s important to understand how much money you’re borrowing, at what interest rate and how long you have to pay back that student loan. Student loans cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy.
Become Landlord Or Sell Home After Quit Claim Deed?
When you get a home via a quit claim deed and then have to move out of state for work you're faced with a decision. Should you sell the home you received through a quit claim deed or should you try to keep it as a rental property? The decision to be come a landlord or to sell a home depends on whether you have enough money to maintain the home or feel that you can find a good tenant. You should also take tax considerations into account.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – December 27, 2007
Ilyce Glink filled in today on the Clark Howard Show. As we move closer to the end of the year, it's important to make sure you've done everything you can to minimize what you'll pay in taxes. Make sure you've taken all of the deductions to which you're entitled, and opened up (and funded, if you can) any retirement accounts. Ilyce took questions about buying a foreclosed property with an IRS lien, negotiating with collection agencies, getting a student loan, and the Georgia Lemon Laws. Check out her show notes at her website,, and don't forget to sign up for her YouTube channel,
Today on the Ilyce Glink Show
For love or money..... According to a new study, three-quarters of young women would marry for money, but the guy better have plenty of bucks -- $2.5 ...
It’s Becoming More Difficult To Borrow Home Equity
While it's getting more difficult to qualify for home equity loans, Americans borrowed more of their home equity lines of credit than last year. Cons...
Buying Property After Graduation
A soon-to-be college graduate is planning on buying a condo with some of his student loan money for the down payment. Interest rates on student loans aren't that low, and the money will need to start being paid back six months after graduation. This grad needs to calculate his debt, income and expenses to determine if it's really the right time to buy a home.
Following Up From The Clark Howard Show Last Week
A number of people, like Susan, have written in about the show: Ilyce was filling in for Clark Howard on Friday Oct 27th on 750 WSB. She mentioned ...
On Today’s Ilyce Glink Show
On today's show, we talked about the Wisconsin man who went to a state park and found a 5.47 carat perfect canary yellow diamond. You can read the sto...
Use Caution When Co-Signing Loan
When you co-sign a student loan, auto loan, or mortgage, you become entirely responsible for this debt if your co-borrower stops making loan payments for any reason. So if the borrower stops making payments, your credit will suffer even if no one told you there was a delinquency on the loan. In addition, the lender will look to the co-signer for full restitution and you'll be on the hook legally for every last dollar due on these loans.
Student Loan Websites
If you're looking to consolidate before July 1st, you might find these websites to be helpful: National Student Loan Data System Si...
Debt Reduction By Paying Off Higher Interest Loans
The best way to decide which loans to pay off first and reduce debt is to look at the interest rates. Student loans usually have lower interest rates than car loans and are partially tax-deductible. If you have extra money at the end of each month, pay off the highest interest loans first and pay as much into your retirement accounts as you possibly can.