When you are self-employed, you have to worry about your health insurance, retirement savings, home office, and a million other things that other people don’t have to. Look at the articles, columns, radio shows, blog posts and videos for advice about being self-employed and your personal finances.
Starting A Business
The entrepreneurial life isn't for everyone. All you need is a great idea, some start-up capital, favorable business conditions and about an extra 10 hours in a day to get everything done. Sound like mission impossible? Here's how one entrepreneurial dream is turning into reality.
201 Great Ideas for Your Small Business
The first edition of 201 Great Ideas was hailed by the Merrill Lynch Business Center as "a book any small-business owner will want to have in easy rea...
Self-Employed Must Wait For Mortgage
A couple wants to buy a new home but he is self-employed. Ilyce suggests waiting two years and paying down debt.