When you are self-employed, you have to worry about your health insurance, retirement savings, home office, and a million other things that other people don’t have to. Look at the articles, columns, radio shows, blog posts and videos for advice about being self-employed and your personal finances.
Refinancing Rental Property Mortgage Means Higher Interest Loan
If you are self-employed trying to refinance a piece of rental property may require a higher interst loan. If you are self-employed, and want to refinance property, refinancing your primary residence is a better option. If you must refinance the mortgage on rental property, you may want to try working with community banks.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – September 17, 2006
If you're starting up a business, getting the equipment you need at prices you can afford can be tough. Ilyce talked about some new places to go that will help your business seem bigger than it is -- at least to start.
My Own Little Tax Hell
Arrrgh. I've just signed my tax return. Although Turbo Tax says our tax rate is only 16.1 percent (or a bit higher), it sure feels like we're paying ...
Automobile Lease Affects Mortgage Loan
When you apply for a mortgage loan, the mortgage lender will look at all of your debt, including student loans and credit card debt. If you lease a company automobile and it's in your name, that could also affect your mortgage loan application. Aside from the way the company automobile may be considered part of your income, it helps to pay down credit card debt to qualify for a mortgage loan.
Last Minute Tax Tips
Looking for last minute tax tips? For those of you who are still working on filing taxes, here are a few useful tax tips to keep in mind.
Job Advice: Increase Net Worth With Franchise
Interested in starting your own business to increase your net worth? You are not alone. Every year millions of Americans enter the world of entrepreneurship. Here's some great job advice on franchises for would-be entrepreneurs.
Always Shop Around For Best Home Mortgage Rates
Even if you're self-employed and looking for a no-doc mortgage loan, shopping around will get you the best rate. Talking to the most respected mortgage bankers and brokers in town will also help you make sure you're finding the best rate for your mortgage.
Cost Of Health Insurance Rising For Self-Employed
Health insurance costs continue to rise. It's tough on everyone but if you're self-employed or your employer doesn't offer coverage, it's especially painful. Ilyce Glink offers some good advice on keeping your healthcare costs as affordable as possible.
Where To Get Health Insurance If Self-Employed
How can someone who has a health "history" get covered by health insurance benefits? There are several resources for those who are self-employed or unemployed to find health insurance. Even if you have preexisting health issues, you can get health insurance, but you're challenge is getting it an an affordable cost.
Home Design For Kids and Babies
Shopping for kids furniture can be a nightmare. The Land of Nod is a perfect solution for affordable, cool home design, gifts and furniture for kids and babies. The company's first store, located at Northbrook Court is packed with the kind of furniture meant to inspire happy dreams, nostalgic toys and it even has a bar.