When you are self-employed, you have to worry about your health insurance, retirement savings, home office, and a million other things that other people don’t have to. Look at the articles, columns, radio shows, blog posts and videos for advice about being self-employed and your personal finances.
How to Retire When You’re Self-Employed
Being your own boss offers a lot of flexibility and opportunity for financial growth. But saving for retirement when you’re self employed can be a difficult path to navigate. That’s why Douglas Goldstein, CFP®, director of Profile Investment Services, Ltd., equates the strategies of investing and creating a self-employment retirement savings plan to playing a [...]
How to Get A Mortgage If You’re Self-Employed
If you’re self-employed, getting a mortgage can be a lot harder than it would be if you were working for someone else. What can you do if you want to buy a house but don’t have a full-time job? The good news is most lenders are willing to work with self-employed borrowers once they’ve taken [...]
Small Business Resources
Edwin called the show today. He's setting up a small business and his local bank turned him down. He wanted to know about some other resources. I rec...
How Many People Are REALLY Unemployed?
The New York Times has a story in this morning's edition about how badly off the "official" jobs number actually is. I've been saying this for a long ...
Labor Day Facts From The Census Bureau
The first unofficial Labor Day was September 5, 1882. President Grover Cleveland signed it into law in 1894, designating the first Monday in September...
IRS: What To Do In Case Of An Audit
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service audits taxpayers to see if they've filed their taxes correctly. While the word audit may seem scary, it doesn't have to be if you're prepared for an audit from the IRS. The IRS isn't trying to catch you, just keep track of your receipts, deductions and expenses, and you should be fine. Learn about what you should do to be ready for an audit and what an audit means from CPA Michelle Swenson.
IRS Raises Mileage Rate to 58.5 Cents Per Mile
Starting July 1 you can deduct 58.5 cents per mile, when you're driving for business, the IRS just announced. For miles driven between January 1 and J...
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – November 4, 2007
This week on the Ilyce Glink Show, Ilyce spent some time going over year-end tax tips with Barbara Weltman, a tax expert from J.K. Lasser. She also discussed how women can better handle their money with Kiplinger's Magazine editor Janet Bodnar, and took calls about credit cards, being self-employed, and selling a house after a divorce. All this and more on this week's Ilyce Glink Show,.
Good Site For Entrepreneurs
My friend and ThinkGlink.com webmaster Ken Gaebler has a site called www.gaebler.com/resources-for-entrepreneurs.htm - Resources for Entrepreneurs - t...
Pay Off Mortgage Loan With Low Interest Rate?
When you have extra money is it better to pay off your mortgage or invest the money? It depends on the type of the mortgage loan and the interest rate on the mortgage loan. Paying off a mortgage may also depend on what stage of life you're in - whether you're still working or in retirement. In this case, Ilyce suggests waiting to pay off the mortgage loan because of its low interest rate.