What’s the best way to save for your children’s college educations? These articles discuss the cost of a college education, how to develop an effective college savings strategy, and how to find funding sources.
Options For Paying Off Student Loans
By the end of 2001, more than 2 million recent college graduates were expected to begin paying back billions in student loans. Which is fine, if you found a job after graudation. But the poor economy means out of work grads are having a tough time
making ends meet. Money and real estate expert Ilyce Glink has some suggestions on making the numbers work.
College Savings Plans: UPromise.com and BabyMint.com
If you're saving for college, 529 College Savings Plans offer easy options for stocking away cash. Upromise and BabyMint offer 529 plan credit cards that give you a small percentage of cash back as a contribution to a specified 529 plan if you buy from an affiliated company. 529 plans permit you to transfer the funds to other children, if the named child doesn't go to college.
Saving For College: 529 Plans
The cost of a college education has been rising faster than the rate of inflation. It will take a lot of diligent saving to stock up enough to pay for the entire cost of your children's college educations. A 529 College Saving Plan is a great place to start saving for college.
Save Money For Retirement, College, Mortgage
Perhaps you've gotten a raise or cut other expenses, but you now have extra savings. What should you do with the money you save? You can increase your retirement savings in your 401(k) or Roth IRA, or you can prepay your mortgage. You can also put the extra money you save toward a 529 plan to help with your children's college costs.