Wondering how to save money? This page gets you started with saving and makes sure your savings plan works for your personal finance needs.
Get Clark Smart: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Rich From America’s Money-Saving Expert
With practical tips and on-line resources, Howard helps readers to get rich by saving money in unexpected places and investing those savings creativel...
Money Saving Tips
If you had to write a check to the IRS yesterday, today might be the day to start cutting back on your weekly expenses and save money. If you were counting on a refund to fatten your bank account, you may need a new strategy to save money. Here are a few money-saving tips.
Personal Finance Goals For The New Year
What are some actions you can take to improve your personal finances? To improve your personal finances you should save money for an emergency fund, not buy anything you don't need and put together an estate plan. Following these tips will put you on more firm financial footing.
Save Money By Booking Travel Online
Save money by searching online travel sites for the best deals. All this is possible because planes to Europe are empty and airline and hotel operators are getting desperate. Check the Web sites listed below for other good deals that may be available today.
Smart Tax Moves To Make Before December 31
If you're hoping to trim your 2001 tax bill, you'll need to plan now, and make your move before the end of the year. The steep drop in the stock market and lower tax rates starting in 2002 make it a whole new ball game.
Spend Money This Holiday Season
According to one study, the average American family will spend nearly $1,000 on gifts, food, and entertainment this holiday season - and expect to pay off that bill in February, March, and April. If paying for your winter holidays through next year's tax day sounds unappealing, consider rethinking what you're going give and how much you're going to spend. There are easy inexpensive or free gifts you can get for the people on your list and still save a little money too.
Consumer Advice: Save Money During Holidays
When the holidays come around many people spend a lot of money on gifts. How can you save money during the holidays? Consumer advice includes cutting back on alcohol purchases and staying out of your favorite store. Find out creative ways to spend the holidays that may not cost a lot of money and will save you money instead.
Health Insurance Questions Work For Pet Insurance
When you have a pet you may decide you want to buy pet insurance to cover your pet's health costs. How can you decide on the right pet insurance? You can ask questions similar to what you'd ask for a human health insurance policy.
Beauty Expenses Add Up
Do you know how much you spend to look your best? It's probably a lot more than you think. Some people spend so much money, they're embarrassed about it. The expenses of personal grooming and beauty can really add up, and a lot of those products never even get used.
Save Money: Use Web For Best Travel Deals
Many of these deals are time-sensitive, and may have expired by the time you read this column. Save money and check the Web sites listed below for other good deals that may be available today. If you're booking flights you can earn bonus miles for booking online. You can even use a senior discount on the web.