Renting a home can be easier than owning a home, but it requires its own special set of circumstances. Whether you’re the renter or the landlord, look at the articles, columns, blog posts, radio shows and videos for more information about renting a home.
Sellers, Landlords And The Lead Paint Requirements
In 1992, the Environment Protection Agency passed a rule requiring home sellers or landlords of homes built before 1978 to provide information about the hazards of lead paint to the buyer or tenant. They must obtain a written acknowledgment that the buyer or tenant received it. And, sellers and landlords must disclose to buyers and tenants whether there is any lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards on the property.
Prevent Crime In Your Home
July and August traditionally produce more crime than any other months, according to law enforcement authorities. But you can discourage burglars from targeting your home by taking a few simple safety steps. Keep lights on timers, make sure all doors are locked, ask neighbors to keep an eye on your house, and ask the police for extra patrols when you're on vacation.
Executives Take Advantage Of Corporate-Owned Homes
The Wall Street Journal reported on multi-million dollar residences corporations are buying for the use of the CEO. How much does is cost to purchase and maintain these homes. How much are the executives paying to live there? How is this getting reported to the IRS? Ilyce's assessment may surprise you.
Holding A Successful Open House
Unfortunately, most home sellers don't keep their home in the kind of condition they need to in order to sell their home quickly, and for as much money as possible. While they may clean up their home, and organize it, in truth, there's a lot that isn't getting done that could make a nice house shine.
How To Keep Your Private Things Private When Selling Your Home
Holding an open house in your for-sale home can put you at risk for scammers posing as buyers and taking valuable items from your home. Model homes are especially vulnerable to scammers taking anything and everything that isn't nailed down. By being aware of how the scam works, agents and sellers can take steps to protect themselves.
Section 8 For Mortgage
A brand new program being tested in the Chicagoland area could help Section 8 renters use their vouchers to pay the mortgage. Households that earn between 30 to 50 percent of the area median income can qualify for Section 8 rental vouchers. Now, in a brand new program that’s being tested in DuPage County, renters who receive Section 8 vouchers may be able to use them to help pay a monthly mortgage.
Finding Good Tenants For Rental Property
A rental property owner has trouble finding good tenants and getting rent payments on time. He wonders if Section 8 might be the answer to finding good tenants for his rental property. The landlord might want to better screen his tenants, along with a few other strategies.
Selling Your Home May Provide Extra Retirement Income
As you age you'll continue to have expenses but you likely won't have a job or extra income coming in. How can you meet your expenses as an elderly person? If property taxes put a big dent in your resources, you may want to consider selling your property and renting a home. Other options for retirement income include reverse mortgages and cutting unnecessary expenses.
Converting Rental Property To Lease With Option To Buy
An older gentleman considers converting his rental properties to a long-term lease with option to buy. A shorter-term lease with option to buy might be a good solution and provide flexibility for him and a prospective buyer.
Landlord Tosses Storage Unit Contents
A renter's storage locker contents is mistaking thrown away by the landlord. The landlord's insurance doesn't cover such a liability, and offered the renter half of the value of the lost items. The renter could now go after the landlord in small claims court or hire a litigation attorney.