Have real estate questions? Here, you’ll find helpful articles and other resources that cover issues related to real estate, buying, selling, financing, refinancing, credit and debt, insurance, second homes, vacation homes, real estate investment, new construction, and renovation.
Buying A Home Before Selling Your Own
Many people face the same question: Should I buy a home first, or sell my current home first? There is a short-term loan program known as a "bridge loan" that can help you cover the extra cost of new mortgage before you've sold your current home. A home equity line of credit may also help cover the costs of buying a new home before you've sold yours.
Inappropriate Questions On Mortgage Application
Does pregnancy factor into a mortgage lender's considerations when making loan decisions? Such a question would be inappropriate for a mortgage lender to ask when applying for a loan. Your mortgage loan application should only require questions that affect your credit.
Is Now The Time To Sell Real Estate?
With the real estate market softening, when is the best time to sell an investment property? Understanding the "real estate bubble" can help you make good decisions about your real estate investment. Holding out for a profit you expected to get on the investment could backfire.
Just Don’t Call Them Seniors
With baby boomers approaching the age of 60, real estate developers are working to create living and investment opportunities that fit this demographic.
Renting A Residence and Owning Investment Property
Many people live in communities where they can afford to rent, but not buy. It may be a good idea to buy investment property in a different, more affordable, community. But there are precautions to buying investment property that isn't close enough for you to maintain and keep an eye on.
Residential Versus Commercial Mortgages
If you're thinking of buying a home as an investment property and then turning it into office space - should you look for a residential or commercial mortgage? With a commercial mortgage, you'll pay more in interest rates and points and fees. A residential mortgage may also offer a higher interest rate but it will be less than a commercial loan. One of the keys to find finding the right mortgage is talking to several lenders.
Title Insurance Company Can Discover Deed Problems
Is a general or special warranty deed better for selling property? When selling a residential property, the type of warranty deed you use, or title, isn't so important. A special warranty deed is usually used for commercial real estate sales. During the home sale process, a title company will run a title search and discover any problems with the deed or title. Usually a general warranty deed is used when selling a residential property.
Beware Of Zero Cost Mortgages
A homeowner has a 3-year adjustable rate mortgage and has heard about zero cost mortgages. When it comes to mortgages, deals that seem too good to be true probably are. If you want to refinance your mortgage, there are plenty of lenders who will refinance your loan without charging you points or fees upfront.
Is The Tide Turning On Interest Rates And Home Sales?
As interest rates move upward, the real estate market seems to be slowing. The good news is that interest rates should stabilize around historically low rates, allowing buyers to keep their hand in the market. The bad news is sellers probably shouldn't expect the huge payoffs the market has been seeing.