Have real estate questions? Here, you’ll find helpful articles and other resources that cover issues related to real estate, buying, selling, financing, refinancing, credit and debt, insurance, second homes, vacation homes, real estate investment, new construction, and renovation.
How to Protect Yourself Against a Bad Lender
Summary: A reader has a new mortgage that has already been sold to a company with a terrible reputation. Ilyce explains what steps s...
New Construction Delayed Without Building Permits
To build a new home your builder has to secure building permits from the local government. It may take a while to obtain building permits because of zoning board concerns or other local issues. To get the builder moving or switch to another builder it helps to go through the original new construction contract with a real estate attorney.
Mold Problems Kill Real Estate Deal
Mold problems can and should kill a real estate deal. A home buyer is in the process of buying a home that has problems - mold, termites and radon. After the seller fixed the problems, there are still extensive mold problems in the home.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – October 22, 2006
On the Ilyce Glink Show, Ilyce talked about how women need to take charge of their money. Men and women think about money differently, but women need to know that finance isn't rocket science. John called in to say that his sister had been widowed recently, and her husband died intestate -- without a will -- and she knows nothing about their finances. She isn't on the deed to the house, or any of the accounts except for one checking account. Tune in to hear what kind of advice Ilyce gave John, and other great information on today's show.
How To Find A Real Estate Advisor
A buyer reader is purchasing investment property and looking for a professional to help. If you want help with your investment property purchase, start by contacting someone local who really knows the specifics of real estate law. Referrals are also a great way to find a professional that will help you with your investment property purchase.
Lenders, Mortgage Brokers and Bankers
There's a wide world of difference between different types of lenders. Knowing how mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, and other types of lenders operate can help you make a smart move with your money.
Signing Home Over To Family Member
If a homeowner signs a home over to a family member, the original owner does not have ownership in the property and could not sell it. The new owner, upon selling the home, would be responsible for taxes and costs of selling the home. The new homeowner would also keep any profits from the sale.
Property Tax Exceed Owner’s Payment Ability
What can you do if you're working as hard as you can and paying property taxes is still a stretch? You should see if you're eligible for any property tax exemptions offered by your local municipality. If you can't find a way to lower your property taxes, you may have to reassess your lifestyle.