Have real estate questions? Here, you’ll find helpful articles and other resources that cover issues related to real estate, buying, selling, financing, refinancing, credit and debt, insurance, second homes, vacation homes, real estate investment, new construction, and renovation.
Paying Property Taxes on an Abandoned Home
Paying property taxes on an abandoned home. This renter can’t locate the owner and wants to know if they can pay back taxes before it goes to auction. Q: I rented a house from a person who turned out not to be the owner of the home. I contacted the authorities and the scammer disappeared. [...]
Should You Add a Child’s Name to Your Property Title?
Should you add a child’s name to your property title? Pros and cons of adding a child as co-owner to avoid going through probate to inherit property. Q: I just read your column giving suggestions to an elderly mother who wanted to make sure her daughter received her home at death without probate. I'm a [...]
How Much Tax Do You Pay When You Sell a Rental Property?
How much tax do you pay when you sell a rental property? How home valuation and depreciation factor into taxes when selling investment property. Q: My father in law is selling a duplex he rented out for about 10 years. The sale price is going to be around $300,000. His accountant says that he should [...]
How HOA Fine Schedules Work
How HOA fine schedules work. This reader wants to know why the condo association board fined homeowners different amounts for the same violation. Q: Can a condo association charge different fines for exactly the same infraction? Some of us broke the same rule in our association. We took matters into our own hands in making [...]
How to Contest Property Taxes
How to contest property taxes. How the value of your home is determined and how to contest property taxes if the assessment on file is inaccurate. Q: I recently watched one of Ilyce’s video on YouTube on contesting real estate taxes. It really got me thinking, and I'm doing more research on my property taxes. [...]
How to Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax on Inherited Property
How to avoid paying capital gains tax on inherited property. Minimize the potential tax consequences of transferring property from parent to child. Q: I have a question about a recent answer you gave to a reader. The question relates to a daughter that acquired her share of the home from her mom while her mom [...]
Can an HOA Restrict Smoking?
Can an HOA restrict smoking? This condo owner was told the association doesn’t have the authority to keep owners from smoking in their units. Q: Can a condo prohibit smoking in the building except for owners? At the time the rule was changed on the grounds that those owners cannot have the right to smoke [...]
What You Should Know About Pocket Listings
What you should know about pocket listings. Who does this real estate market trend benefit most and why is this reader annoyed by it? Q: I’m annoyed with some of the things I see going on in the real estate market, including pocket listings. Sellers should avoid brokerages that list properties internally before they are [...]