We cover the basics and more about personal finance, answering frequently asked questions about credit and debt, identity theft, saving for college, retirement, estate planning, insurance, taxes, job hunting, and raising money-savvy kids. Check out the articles, columns, blog posts, radio shows and videos for tons of personal finance advice.
The REALLY Useful Guide to Working Smarter Not Harder
The REALLY Useful Guide to Working Smarter Not Harder offers helpful hints and useful tips that can help you avoid 7 deadly time traps, organize your office more efficiently, and energize your work day. You'll also find tips for e-mail etiquette and how to get along better with your boss, co-workers, and customers. The book also include 10 creative ways to say thank you and offers top tips for relieving stress at work.
Save Money On Holiday Grocery Shopping
It's often difficult to save money on grocery shopping during the holidays. One way to save money on holiday grocery shopping is to use coupons and shop when the store is less crowded. Another way to save money on holiday grocery shopping is to buy in bulk from a warehouse like Costco.
Books Every Real Estate Investor Will Love
Books Every Real Estate Investor Will Love. Real Estate Investment Property Book Review. Young Americans are increasingly plowing retirement dollars into investment property -- sometimes even before they buy a home as a primary residence. Owning investment property can dramatically increase one's net worth. If you've decided to invest in real estate, here's a quick look at some recent titles that may prove helpful as you begin your search for the right investment property.
Credit Card Debt, IRS News, Financial Roundup 2003
A reduction in the average amount of credit card debt, an update from the IRS, and new loan purchase limits are just a few news items in the 2003 financial news round-up. In 2003, the average credit card debt for the typical American family dropped form $3,200 to $2,300. Also in the 2003 Financial Roundup, the IRS is testing a system that will allow them provide resolutions to a variety of problems electronically. The IRS also plans to get more Americans to file their taxes electronically.
Money School Teaches Kids Valuable Lessons
One of the best lessons you can learn in life is now being taught in school -- money lessons. The Chicago Public School system is testing a new money-lesson program designed by the University of Illinois at Chicago for kids in kindergarten through grade five.
Calculating Your Net Worth
What is your net worth? Quite simply, it's what you have minus what you owe. The reason you want to pinpoint your net worth is that it gives you a snapshot of your financial life today, which becomes a point of comparison down the road.
Commercial Real Estate And Mortgage Websites
Ilyce has several favorite websites for financial advice on real estate and mortgages. Those websites include the consumer website for the National Association of Realtors and the Wall Street Journal's real estate website. Ilyce also has several other favorite websites for personal finance and real estate advice.
Creating Financial Goals For Your Stage In Life
Defining your goals is an important tool for tweaking your personal finances. It gives you something to dream about at night, and something to work towards during the day. Saving money can be different at different stages of your life. Do you need to save for a mortgage? Student loans? Retirement? While it's always good to dream big, the truth is, most of us have the power to achieve almost all of our financial dreams. Getting there takes discipline and hard work, but it's more than doable.
Credit Card Versus Debit Card
Credit cards allow you to borrow up to your credit limit, which usually exceeds the amount of cash in your checking account. You're not actually borrowing real dollars, you're borrowing the credit card company's money. In many cases, banks offer credit cards, so you're borrowing the bank's money. Cash debit cards are a cross between credit cards and checking accounts. You can pay for your goods and services with the cash debit card just as you would a credit card. But instead of borrowing the credit card company's money, the money comes directly from your checking account.
Credit History, Credit Score Determine Best Credit Card Deals
Your credit history and credit score determines the best credit card deals a consumer can get. Lenders treat your credit report and credit history as a running score of your financial life, and use that to decide whether you're worth the risk for a credit card, car loan or mortgage. Clean up your credit score and build a good credit history in order to get the best credit card deals for you.