The main purpose of life insurance is to provide cash to your family after you die. The money your dependents will receive (the “death benefit”) is an important financial resource. It can help pay the mortgage, run the household, end ensure that your dependents aren’t burdened with debt. The proceeds from a life insurance policy could mean that they won’t have to sell assets to pay outstanding bills or taxes. Learn more here about the benefits or life insurance and how to navigate the insurance maze.
LIfe Insurance, Estate Taxes And Home Value Questions
Is life insurance a good idea after divorce? Would selling a home for $1 reduce estate taxes? What's the best way to figure out a home's value? These questions answered on WGN.
Save Money And Be Financially Solvent While Searching For A New Job
It's hard enough to save money and be financially solvent when you're working full time. It's even harder to save money and be financially solvent while searching for a new job. Unemployment depletes your savings account quickly and makes being financially solvent a chore. But by cutting back and finding ways to save money like paying bills in smaller amounts, and tapping into your life insurance policy can help keep you financially solvent while searching for a new job.