A lawyer is a person who can give legal advice, draft contracts, help with lawsuits, anything related to the law. Many people don’t consult with a lawyer when they should. Take advantages of the services of a lawyer, depending on your situation. When buying property, writing a will or trying to untangle your taxes, a lawyer can be a great help.
Mailbag: Taxes, Refinancing And Legal Advice
Taxes, refinancing and where to go for cheap legal advice are included in the mail bag this week.
Home Improvement And Home Repairs: Getting Through Them With Ease
Ilyce gives advice to homeowners who are planning home improvement and home repairs. Homeowners who are planning home improvement and home repairs should put the deal with their contractor in writing. Homeowners should also hire a real estate attorney to draw up the contracts and make sure their home improvement or home repair plans go smoothly.
How To Solve Rotten Neighbor Problems
Rotten neighbors can really bring you down. Read some advice about rotten neighbor problems, including picking up a copy of Neighbor Law by attorney Cora Jordan. You can likely talk to your neighbors before you have a serious dispute.
Second Thoughts On Timeshare
Timeshares are a horrendous business for consumers as there is typically is no ability to resell or even abandon the property (without causing huge problems for your credit history). Consult a real estate attorney to find out about your options for getting out of timeshares.
Home Inspection Contingency Essential To Deal
A home buyer deposits earnest money and signs an amendment to remove the inspection contingency rider to the contract. Later, an engineer inspection finds problems in the foundation and the home buyers want to back out. If the buyers signed away their rights to have a home inspection, then they cannot walk away after a poor inspection report.
Closing: Setting Possession Date May Require Attorney
When you're closing on a home sale, the timing of the seller moving out and the buyer moving in are critical. If the seller moves out too late the buyer may not want the home. If the buyer won't give the seller time to move out it may mean the seller needs to move earlier. Learn how to negotiate the day the buyer will take possession of a home with a real estate attorney.
Gift Taxes Associated With Real Estate Inheritance
What are the gift taxes associated with real estate inheritance? The person who is giving the land should think about the gift taxes that may be incurred if the real estate is given as an inheritance. Ilyce suggests a conversation about the current owner's wishes and a meeting with an estate attorney before accepting a real estate inheritance and the gift taxes associated with it.
Landlord Tosses Storage Unit Contents
A renter's storage locker contents is mistaking thrown away by the landlord. The landlord's insurance doesn't cover such a liability, and offered the renter half of the value of the lost items. The renter could now go after the landlord in small claims court or hire a litigation attorney.
Seller Cancels Deal After Agent Steps In
A deal is canceled after the seller's attorney involves his son who is a real estate agent. Ilyce suggests the seller may have a cancellation clause in the contract based on lawyer approval.