A lawyer is a person who can give legal advice, draft contracts, help with lawsuits, anything related to the law. Many people don’t consult with a lawyer when they should. Take advantages of the services of a lawyer, depending on your situation. When buying property, writing a will or trying to untangle your taxes, a lawyer can be a great help.
Research Septic Problem Before Suing
When considering filing a lawsuit over a possible defective product or system used in your home, much research is required. You must research the product and its installation, in addition to talking with other owners, attorneys and the BBB before pointing any fingers. You should also talk to the manufacturer of the product to determine if others have had this problem and what, if anything, they are willing to do to fix it.
Refinance Or Sue To Get Name Off Mortgage
When you buy property with a partner and you're not married and you haven't signed a partnership agreement, it can be difficult to undo the transaction. To get your name off of a mortgage for a property that you no longer own or live in you need to have the other person refinance the mortgage or sell the home. If the other person refuses to refinance or sell, you may need to go to court to force a sale of the property.
Inheritance Property Sold To Investor, Other Heirs Want Property Back
What should you do if you inherit a portion of a home, but another heir sold his portion of inheritance property to an investor. The other two heirs want to keep the inheritance property and wants to get it back from the investor. Ilyce helps explain how to proceed with this inheritance property, and how to best protect your interests from the investor.
Home Buyer Ineligible For First Time Homeowner Benefits Because Of Quit Claim
A first-time home buyer already has a home that was quit claimed to them by a parent, making him ineligible for first time homeowner benefits. Ilyce talks about programs available to first-time home buyers and why this home buyer is ineligible for them because of the quit claim. Ilyce recommends the home buyer find a good real estate and real estate attorney to help him make decisions since he is not eligible for first time homeowner benefits.
Estate Planning Includes Taxes And Annual Law Changes
When you're planning your estate there's lots of factors to consider and federal tax law tends to change annually so it's important to be aware of what limits apply to the years you're interested in. In addition to federal taxes you'll want to take into account state taxes and capital gains taxes. An experienced estate attorney can help you navigate through estate planning regulations to successfully secure your estate.
Real Estate Investment Business: Risks And Rewards
Should you get involved with a real estate investor you've met over the internet? Ilyce shares some words of caution and suggests a safe next step for getting into the real estate investment business. One of the most important things to do is check out a person you're interested in investing into real estate with, and get a good real estate attorney.
Capital Gains Tax Depends On Market Value
When you sell property that's an inheritance how much capital gains tax do you owe? It depends on the market value of the home when you inherited it and how long you own the home after the inheritance occurs. A typical capital gains tax rate is 15 percent. You may also want to consult with a real estate attorney to determine the cost basis and capital gains tax.
Real Estate Contracts Answer Buyer And Seller Questions
Real estate contracts often contain the answers to your real estate questions. In this article, the buyers rejected the seller's response to a request for repairs. The seller claims they never got the fax and assumed the buyer accepted their response. Now, the buyer wants to walk away, but can they walk away? Ilyce Glink and Samuel Tamkin offer some helpful real estate advice to a homebuyer in need.