A lawyer is a person who can give legal advice, draft contracts, help with lawsuits, anything related to the law. Many people don’t consult with a lawyer when they should. Take advantages of the services of a lawyer, depending on your situation. When buying property, writing a will or trying to untangle your taxes, a lawyer can be a great help.
Divorce Requires Home Loan Refinance
In order to get your name off a mortgage loan, the loan must be refinanced. When you go through a divorce and divide up assets, including a home, you have to refinance so that the spouse who gets the home becomes solely responsible for paying the mortgage. Refinancing may result in one spouse buying out the other, but the spouse who is being bought out should not have to incur more debt for that to happen. Taking out a separate home equity loan has nothing to do with refinancing. In addition to refinancing, the spouse who is giving up the home should also sign a quit claim deed.
Fake Appraisal Constitutes Real Estate Fraud
When you sell your home an appraiser will conduct an appraisal to help the lender determine how much of a mortgage loan to grant to the home buyer. It's illegal for a home buyer to get a mortgage in excess of the home's sale price, especially if the mortgage loan is based on an inaccurate appraisal. When the home buyer wants the home seller to return some of the mortgage loan money it may become fraud. In a situation such as this it's critical for the home seller to contact an attorney.
Starting a Small Business
On yesterday's show, I recommended some assistance for people starting businesses: www.score.org www.sba.gov (small business administration) These w...
Selling A Home Fails Due To Square Footage Inaccuracy
When you're selling your home, you'll need to tell prospective buyers how much square footage your home has. Careful buyers may do their own square footage calculation when they want to buy a home. There are many ways to calculate the square footage of a home you're selling.
Title Insurance Company Can Discover Deed Problems
Is a general or special warranty deed better for selling property? When selling a residential property, the type of warranty deed you use, or title, isn't so important. A special warranty deed is usually used for commercial real estate sales. During the home sale process, a title company will run a title search and discover any problems with the deed or title. Usually a general warranty deed is used when selling a residential property.
Quit Claim Deed Means Giving Up Ownership
When people divorce sometimes one partner will sign a quit claim deed, which gives up that person's ownership to a home. The person who signed the quit claim deed cannot legitimately say that he or his new spouse has any right to the home, even if his name remains on the mortgage loan.
Mortgage Lender Misrepresents Mortgage Loan
When you get an FHA mortgage loan you get an FHA number. But is an FHA number enough to prove that you have an FHA mortgage? What if your mortgage lender has you pay FHA mortgage fees but you later discover you don't have an FHA mortgage loan?
Sellers Not Required To Attend Closing
In most cases, sellers do not have to show up to the closing. If you're selling, you may be able to sign your paperwork in advance, and give your attorney a power of attorney to close the deal on your behalf..
Lawsuit May Be More Trouble Than It’s Worth
A borrower worked with a debt management company in another state that did not provide the services they promised. Now the borroweris trying to get a refund for those services.The borrower has done all the right things by filing complaints with various agencies, but the difficult task of suing the company may be their only resort. In some instances, you might pay more in legal fees and costs that what you recover.