Do you have a career, or just a job to make some money? Are you satisfied with your job and the amount of money you make? Are you interested in a career change? The articles, blog posts, radio shows and videos here will help you find a job, negotiate your salary, get your career on the right track, and so much more.
Real Estate And Economic Advice After 9-11
After the 9-11 attacks the U.S. fell into a deep recession. How did New York and Chicago fare during the recession? What could consumers expect in Chicago and New York after the recession, especially with regard to real estate?
At Work At Home: Design Ideas for Your Home Workplace
At Work At Home: Design Ideas for Your Home Workplace by Neal Zimmerman. More than 50 million Americans work at home and the work they do is as varied...
Home Office Design For The Perfect Space
It doesn't take much to set up a home office. No matter what the business, most folks can make do with a table and chair, computer, fax and telephone. Oh, and some storage space is always helpful. But while bare bones may appeal to your budget and timetable, those who have the ability to actually design a home office that truly meets their needs, and is aesthetically pleasing to boot, typically end up with something special. "At Work At Home" by Neal Zimmerman helps you come up with the perfect home office.