Do you have a career, or just a job to make some money? Are you satisfied with your job and the amount of money you make? Are you interested in a career change? The articles, blog posts, radio shows and videos here will help you find a job, negotiate your salary, get your career on the right track, and so much more.
Choosing An Employer That Matches Your Needs
Looking for a job? This is the second in a two-part series on surviving the job search process with your ego intact. This great job hunting advice comes from one of the nation's leading resume consultants, Liz Handlin. The next time you interview for a job remember that you are analyzing them as much as they are interviewing you. If you aren’t truly happy with your job you will find yourself looking for another job before you know it.
Real Estate Agent Promises To Find Job For Buyer
Be careful if a real estate agent promises to find you or your spouse a job in order to secure a home sale. If a real estate agent promises to find you a job, makes the sale and the job falls through or never existed, you may want to complain to the National Association of Realtors. A situation like this could lead to mortgage fraud, if inaccurate income is shown on a mortgage application.
Job Hunting Advice
Searching for a new job? If so, it's important that you don't take rejection personally. Rejection is part of the process, and it's usually a good thing. Here's some great job hunting advice from one of the nation's leading resume consultants, Liz Handlin.
Online Networks Can Help Job Search
Looking for a job? They say it's not what you know, it's who you know. If so, you should tap into new online networks, which provide a clever and efficient way to extend your network of contacts. The Internet is making it easier to establish and maintain connections. LinkedIn tackled the impersonality of job hunting by creating the first referral-powered job board on the web.
Updating Your Resume
Looking for resume writing tips? A resume isn't simply a list of your background and accomplishments. It's a marketing tool. Here's some great resume advice from one of the nation's leading resume consultants.
Summertime Perfect For Early Job Search
The summer job market is expected to be the best it's been in years. Get started now if you want to find the perfect summer job. Summer hiring is already underway, and teens would do well to start applying for summer positions now.
Networking Your Way To New Clients
Whether you're a real estate agent, lender, home inspector, or other member of the home buying and home selling team, the best way to develop and sustain your business is to network amongst friends and family. Let everyone know about yourself and your business. Offer special deals to get them to give you business. Take advantage of networking on the internet.
Job Advice: Increase Net Worth With Franchise
Interested in starting your own business to increase your net worth? You are not alone. Every year millions of Americans enter the world of entrepreneurship. Here's some great job advice on franchises for would-be entrepreneurs.
Tips For Finding Your Next Job
Tips for finding your next job. Job hunting website links.
Back Taxes May Include Unpaid Unemployment Taxes
When you're an employer you're supposed to pay an unemployment tax for your employees to the state where you live. The state of Illinois changed the unemployment tax rate and some employers had not kept current with their taxes. Those employers now owe back taxes for unemployment taxes.