Income refers to any money that you make. It could be from your part-time job, your hot-shot career, investments, inheritance, or even if you sell property. All income must be reported to the IRS and factored in when you pay your income taxes. Look here for more information about income, taxes and how to protect your assets. Trading Park Avenue for Park Slope
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Labor Day Facts From The Census Bureau
The first unofficial Labor Day was September 5, 1882. President Grover Cleveland signed it into law in 1894, designating the first Monday in September...
Women Save Less For Retirement
Women save less for retirement than they need to save, according to a study just released by Hewitt Associates. The study said that women need to repl...
How Are You Spending Your Stimulus Check
We've had an amazing response to our query today: How are you spending your rebate check? Here's what some of our callers said about how they're goin...
What Does It Mean To Be Middle Class?
Apparently being middle class is the place to be. Many Americans, regardless of their income, consider themselves middle class, according to a study j...
Increase Cash Flow To Pay Down Mortgage
A teacher is trying to sell her house, but she's worried about the slow market and her adjustable rate mortgage resetting to a monthly payment that she can't afford on her income. She wants to know how to pay down her mortgage, or what other options she has. To pay down your mortgage you can get another job or get a tenant to live with you. The only way to increase cash flow is to increase your income or lower expenses.
Racking Up Debt Before Closing
Credit card debt can hurt your chances of closing on a home even if you have already been approved for a mortgage. What many borrowers don't realize is that the lender may take another financial snapshot of their lives just before the closing. The second pull of your credit history and credit score could come any time within a week or two of your scheduled closing date. Keep your debt-to-income level the same as it was at the time the loan was approved.
Real Estate Minute: Are You Rich?
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink SmartMoney Magazine Says You Need $5 million to Be Rich
Real Estate Minute: Travel Industry Can’t Pay Salaries
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink What happens to the airline and travel industries if it doesn’t have the cash to pay its workers?