Whenever you make a large purchase, such as a house or a car, you will likely need to make a down payment. How much down payment do you need? It depends on the purchase and who is giving you the loan. What happens if you change your mind on your purchase? Will you lose your down payment? Learn the ins and outs of down payments here.
House Passes FHA Revitalization Bill
As the Federal Reserve's Open Markets committee was meeting, the House of Representatives was busy working in Washington, DC. The House of Representa...
Investment Property Requires Large Down Payment
In the current real estate market, mortgage lenders are requiring investment property buyers to make a large down payment. To borrow the money for an investment property, buyers will need to have a large amount of cash up front. Even with excellent credit, it will be hard to finance investment property without a big down payment.
Zero Down Payment Loans Difficult To Find
What can you do if you want to buy property but you don't have the money for a down payment? You either need to save or get down payment money from a friend or family member. You must have at least 3 percent of the purchase price to put down on an FHA loan.
Refunding Money Down On A Home Purchase
A home buyer put a down payment on a home and then was denied financing. Now the seller refuses to refund the down payment. A financing contingency in the contract will determine if he can get his down payment back.
Down Payment Amount Varies With Good Faith Estimate
What's an appropriate amount of earnest money or down payment? When you're buying a home you'll likely pay some earnest money to show your good faith - that you're really interested in the home. But how much money to put down as earnest money, which can later become your down payment, varies depending on the area where the home is located and the real estate market.
How Much Down For A Down Payment?
Since the downturn in the real estate market, a home buyer may not have to put as much money down on a new home. How much you put for a down payment depends on how much cash you have on hand, how big a loan you can qualify for and how desperate the seller is. The bigger the down payment, the less likely you'll walk away from the home before closing.
Good Faith Estimate For New Construction
When you're buying new construction you'll have to make a down payment, or a good faith estimate to show that you're interested in the property. Developers set their own standards for down payments or good faith estimates. To get the best deal on new construction it's good to hire a buyer's agent so you don't go into negotiations unprepared.
Sellers Cite Down Payment Gift To Cancel Home Sale
When you're buying a home you have to come up with a down payment. Is it risky to use gift money as a down payment? In some cases, sellers may be wary of selling their home to someone whose down payment comes in the form of a gift. What recourse do the buyers have to close this sale?