Your credit score defines you financially. Establishing and maintaining good credit will make your life infinitely easier. To establish a good credit score you must make your payments on time and in full every month. You can also improve your credit score by minimizing your debt. Learn more here about your credit score and what it means for you.
Credit Freeze Can Protect You From Identity Theft
It's become a little bit easier for you to protect yourself from identity theft. As of Nov. 1, 2007, all three credit bureaus, TransUnion, Equifax and...
Racking Up Debt Before Closing
Credit card debt can hurt your chances of closing on a home even if you have already been approved for a mortgage. What many borrowers don't realize is that the lender may take another financial snapshot of their lives just before the closing. The second pull of your credit history and credit score could come any time within a week or two of your scheduled closing date. Keep your debt-to-income level the same as it was at the time the loan was approved.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – October 7, 2007
It's the season of reunions. On the Ilyce Glink show today, Ilyce talked about her 25th reunion, which she went to last night, and then took calls from listeners who went to their 30th, 48th, and 50th reunions as well. We also took calls from Craig, who is trying to pay down debt and is wondering how that will affect his credit, and Gabriel, who is trying to figure out whether she should pump any more cash into her house. All that, and more, on today's Ilyce Glink Show.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – September 30, 2007
It's the season of reunions. On the Ilyce Glink show today, Ilyce talked about her 25th reunion, which she went to last night, and then took calls from listeners who went to their 30th, 48th, and 50th reunions as well. We also took calls from Craig, who is trying to pay down debt and is wondering how that will affect his credit, and Gabriel, who is trying to figure out whether she should pump any more cash into her house. All that, and more, on today's Ilyce Glink Show.
Low Credit Score Means Higher Interest Rate
A low credit score will lead to challenges when trying to get a home loan. The interest rate will depend on what kind of credit you're looking for. It's also possibly that you won't qualify for a loan with a credit score of 500.
We had a call this morning on the show about selling a timeshare. You should know a couple of things about timeshares: * Some people like 'em, some p...
Tenant Causes Rental Property Owner’s Credit Problems
A couple owned rental property and had asked the tenant to pay the Homeowner Association fees, and because of non-payment, the property owners have bad credit. Because the tenant did not pay the bill, a settlement was placed against the property owner that cause the owner a credit problem. Ilyce explains how this owner can rebuild her credit rating after the tenant did not pay Homeowner Association fees.
Today on the Ilyce Glink Show
We're recapping some of the important business/financial news of the week, including Countrywide's stunning announcement that it's going to cut as man...
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – September 9, 2007
This week on the Ilyce Glink Show, we spent a lot of time talking about credit and credit scores. A number of callers were unaware that if they canceled their older cards, they could be tanking their credit score. We also recapped all the big financial news of the week, including the record number of foreclosures and delinquencies, and the news that Countrywide is laying off up to 12,000, or 20 percent of its workforce.
Today on the Clark Howard Show
It's Labor Day and I'll be filling in for Clark Howard on WSB radio (listen live at today from 1 to 4pm EST. On today's show, I'm p...