Your credit score defines you financially. Establishing and maintaining good credit will make your life infinitely easier. To establish a good credit score you must make your payments on time and in full every month. You can also improve your credit score by minimizing your debt. Learn more here about your credit score and what it means for you.
Personal Finance Advice: Credit Monitoring Services
Credit Monitoring Services are in demand right now, as consumers want to protect their identity and their credit history. The three credit reporting bureaus. Equifax, Experian and Trans-Union each offer monthly services to monitor your credit. They will notify you if someone accesses your credit history or social security number or if there are changes to your credit history.
How Do Late Medical Bills Affect Credit Scores?
How will being late on my medical bills affect my credit score? If your medical bills go to a collection agency, it affects the "payment history" component in calculating your credit score. Other factors play into determining your credit history, but payment history is the largest one.
Understanding How Credit Scores Work
How are credit scores calculated? How can you improve your credit score? What's a good credit score? What's a bad credit score? Turns out most of us don't know the answers to these questions. According to a new survey, most consumers do not have the slightest idea what credit scores measure, what good and bad scores are, or, how their credit scores can be improved.
Credit Score Myths And Secrets
Keeping your credit score high is more important than ever, since a future employer will probably pull your credit history before offering you a job. But do you know how your score is calculated? Do you have a high credit score or a low credit score? So many questions about credit scores and we've got the facts about how they're calculated and what they mean.
Prioritizing Credit Card Debt Payments
When you have debt on a lot of different cards, and the interest rate is different, you always should first pay off the non-deductible debt (debt other than a mortgage or home equity loan) that carries the highest interest rate. When all interest rates are the same, you should then look to which cards carry the highest percentage of your available credit.
Completing Debt Management Program And Credit Score
When you get behind in your bills you may decide to participate in a debt management program from a non profit credit counseling agency. What happens to your credit score when you complete the debt management program? If you've successfully followed the debt management program your credit history may look better and your credit score may increase.
Improving My Credit Score
Want to improve your credit score? What you can do to get your credit report, get your credit score, and what you can do to make your credit score higher.
Dispute Credit Report Errors
Have you checked your credit report recently? If you haven't, you might want to sooner rather than later. A new report says nearly 80 percent of all credit reports contain mistakes.
Credit Errors a Problem For Home Buyer
How should a first time home buyer deal with the errors on her credit report? The husband file for mortgage while the wife sorts out her credit history. Get errors on your credit report resolved immediately. You never know when you will need to rely upon your credit score.