Your credit score defines you financially. Establishing and maintaining good credit will make your life infinitely easier. To establish a good credit score you must make your payments on time and in full every month. You can also improve your credit score by minimizing your debt. Learn more here about your credit score and what it means for you.
Managing Financial Priorities While In Debt
What is the best day to pay off debt while managing financial priorities? A good start to paying down your debt is getting on an interest-free payment plan while keeping track of every expenditure. The key thing about paying down debt is making sure you keep your credit score as high as possible.
Keeping Up With Your Credit
The difference between the Generation X and Generation Y is simply this: Today's teenagers and toddlers will never have a time when their credit scores aren';t the most important number of their financial lives. It's important to teach kids that every financial transaction they make, whether it is a purchase, opening up a credit card, or making monthly payments on a home loan, is mathematically weighted and then crunched together to form a three-digit number.
Credit Cards: Rising Gas Prices Can Affect Credit History
Small things like the rising costs of gas prices can affect a consumer's credit history if they start missing credit card payments. Rising gas prices may force consumers to make only the minimum payments on their credit cards or miss them altogether, which will negatively affect their credit history. Even one late payment can affect a consumer's credit score so if you have to pay cash at the pump, do so, instead of using your credit card.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – October 2, 2005
Ilyce starts off her show talking about holiday gifting at work, and specifically for the boss. Ilyce then takes calls on topics from dealing with the IRS on a past bankruptcy to figuring out when to start taking Social Security, while still working. Ilyce also talked about how there is an increased emphasis on allowing consumers who pay their bills and rent on time to use those on-time payments to help improve their credit. the National Credit Reporting Association is teaming up with PRBC (, which is a national credit bureau specializing in collecting and updating what the industry calls "non-traditional" credit (like on-time payment of utility bills, rental payments, etc). If your traditional FICO credit score is low, your PRBC credit score might be higher. Log onto for details on how to use non-traditional credit sources to qualify for a mortgage loan.
How To Get Your Credit Score
Unfortunately, your FICO score isn't available for free at this time. You can, however, get a free copy of your credit report once a year from each of the three credit reporting bureaus. Credit scores have become so important to lenders and consumers that credit scores may also one day be available for free once a year.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – September 4, 2005
In a special two-hour show, Ilyce discusses the consumer and financial fallout of Hurricane Katrina. She also talks about what's happening at Delta Airlines. She then takes calls from friends and families dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, as well as from callers on other topics such as dealing with a really bad credit score.
Refinancing Changes Names On Mortgage Loan
When you sign a quit claim deed you give up your rights to ownership in a property. If you're on the mortgage for that property you're still liable for mortgage payments. If you're on a mortgage and someone else agrees to make payments and then doesn't it will affect your credit score.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – August 7, 2005
Ilyce discusses a couple articles on employment and salaries in America. Ilyce then takes calls on topics from paying off credit card debt by selling stocks to the affect of equity lines on credit scores.
Home Equity Line Of Credit
If you've got a variable rate home equity line of credit, you might want to consider refinancing into a fixed-rate home equity loan.