The average American has more than $9,000 in credit card debt. While having a credit card isn’t a bad thing, letting credit card debt pile up over time can place an enormous strain on your finances. Take a look at the articles, Q&A’s, blog posts and videos we have linked to this topic for ideas on how to handle credit card debt and your personal finances.
Credit 101: What’s in Your Credit Report?
Post pandemic, credit continues to be a buzzword for consumers, but many people are unsure what part credit plays in their personal finances. In a new series, Credit 101, Ilyce Glink, an award-winning personal finance columnist and CEO of the financial wellness platform Best Money Moves, details important information you need to know about your [...]
How Do You Deal with Money in a Relationship?
How do you deal with money in a relationship? Money causes stress in most romantic relationships, but to build a future couples need to talk about finances. Sign up for Ilyce Glink's Love, Money + Real Estate newsletter. This story was updated December 1, 2021 When should you tell a romantic partner how much money [...]
Best Summer Vacation Ideas for Families on A Budget
Best summer vacation ideas for families on a budget. Budget-friendly summer vacation ideas for families who can't afford to travel this summer. Are you struggling to plan a summer vacation on a budget? You’re not alone, according to a recent Bankrate survey 60 percent of Americans who aren’t planning a summer vacation have decided they [...]
Mortgage Delinquency is Down, Credit Delinquency is Up
Mortgage delinquency rates are down, credit delinquencies are up. CoreLogic reports 30-day-plus delinquency is the lowest it’s been in over a decade. It’s a good news, not-so-good news situation. First, the good news: More people are paying their mortgages on time. Unfortunately, credit delinquencies are up as more people are having trouble getting their [...]
Buyers Remorse: Is It a Bargain or a Bad Idea?
Buyer’s Remorse: Is it a bargain or a bad idea? Sponsored posts from influencers and ads in social media streams motivate Americans to buy into the hype. It’s the time of year when cash and credit fly around freely. But, it’s also the season of buyers remorse. It probably won’t surprise you to learn that [...]
Is Black Friday Shopping Worth It?
Is Black Friday shopping worth it this year? Your Thanksgiving night might be better spent with loved ones thanks to Cyber Monday, pre-holiday sales and post-holiday extended sales. Between Thanksgiving Day and Cyber Monday, U.S. consumers will spend well over $20 billion, predicted by Adobe Analytics in their holiday sales forecast. That makes up a huge [...]
How to Save Money on Holiday Travel
How can you save money on holiday travel? Strategic planning can spare you from financial stress over the holiday season. A vast number of Americans will travel this upcoming holiday season, if last year’s number of holiday travelers are any indication. In 2017, a record 107 million Americans left their homes to travel over the [...]
Need a Credit Card Fast? Choosing Wisely Reduces Financial Stress Later
Need a credit card fast? If you choose that credit card wisely, it can reduce financial stress caused later by soaring APRs and a multitude of late fees. And remember: While credit cards and credit card debt can be a huge source of financial stress, particularly if you build up a significant balance, they can [...]
Holiday Spending Sends Financial Stress Soaring
Even though you haven’t set the Thanksgiving table, some consumers are already stressing about how much money they’ll spend this holiday season. According to a new survey from Experian, holiday spending is expected to go through the roof – along with consumers’ financial stress levels. The survey found that most stress comes from unexpected expenses consumers [...]