Commercial real estate involves different rules, regulations and tax benefits from residential real estate. Check out the articles, blog posts, and videos for advice on how to handle commercial real estate property.
Title Insurance Company Can Discover Deed Problems
Is a general or special warranty deed better for selling property? When selling a residential property, the type of warranty deed you use, or title, isn't so important. A special warranty deed is usually used for commercial real estate sales. During the home sale process, a title company will run a title search and discover any problems with the deed or title. Usually a general warranty deed is used when selling a residential property.
Benefits of Lease to Sell
A building owner is thinking about building a commercial office and selling it with a lease to sell agreement. Rather than leasing it, holding onto the building could bring tax benefits for owning commercial property. Using a "lease with the option to buy" could also be an incentive to get additional buyers to consider purchasing it.
1031 Reverse Exchange May Be Better Option Than 1031 Exchange
In a 1031 exchange, a real estate investor purchases a similar investment property to replace another property, and is able to defer any federal income taxes owed. But the IRS has strict timelines for 1031 exchanges and sometimes a 1031 reverse exchange may be a better option though it could be more expensive.
Selling Commercial Real Estate And Tax Deduction
When you want to sell commercial real estate to a non-profit such as a church, the group may not be able to pay you full property value. What can the non-profit do to make the commercial real estate sale worth it for the seller? The group may be able to offer the seller a tax deduction in exchange for a cash contribution in addition to the property. It's important to involve an attorney in the transaction.
Transferring Property To An LLC
What happens if I transfer a commercial property to an LLC? Is there a capital gain because the basis gets stepped up or does the owner's basis remain unchanged. You may need an appraisal of the property to determine what your gain was and depending on how long you held the property, you will owe tax on the sale.
Paying Taxes On The Sale Of Commercial Land
When selling commercial land and you might be making a large amount of money in capital gains. To defer the payment of taxes on the sale of commercial property, there are two types of tax free exchange mechanisms that you can use. Both involve Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code and they are sometimes referred to as Starker Trusts or Exchanges. If you don't want to buy a replacement property and don't want to invest with others, then once you close on your sale you will have a large tax liability.
Zoning Inaccuracy Causes Commercial Real Estate Problem
Who's responsible when you buy a property and you later discover that it's zoned incorrectly? How can you go about rezoning a property? What role should a real estate attorney play in a closing and how can a real estate attorney help you with zoning issues?
Books Every Real Estate Investor Will Love
Books Every Real Estate Investor Will Love. Real Estate Investment Property Book Review. Young Americans are increasingly plowing retirement dollars into investment property -- sometimes even before they buy a home as a primary residence. Owning investment property can dramatically increase one's net worth. If you've decided to invest in real estate, here's a quick look at some recent titles that may prove helpful as you begin your search for the right investment property.
Real Estate And Economic Advice After 9-11
After the 9-11 attacks the U.S. fell into a deep recession. How did New York and Chicago fare during the recession? What could consumers expect in Chicago and New York after the recession, especially with regard to real estate?