Having cash can be helpful to put down a larger down payment, pay everyday expenses, or satisfy debt. Learn more about investment options for your cash, what you can do with more cash, and what your cash means on this page.
Homeowners: Best Time To Refinance Mortgage
There are several indicators that help homeowners decide that it's the best time to refinance their mortgage. When interest rates drop low is one of the best times for homeowners to refinance their mortgage. Just because homeowners have bad credit doesn't mean they can't refinance their mortgage but they might have limited options.
How Long Will They Go: Playing The Internet Rate Game
Mortgage interest rates have been dropping steadily all year, a trend many mortgage experts believe will continue into 1998. The low rates have helped spur the largest rally in home sales ever. This year, more than 4 million existing homes will be sold, many to first-time home buyers who, without low interest rates, couldn't begin to qualify financially.
Bill Proposes Automatic Cancellation Of PMI
Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is one of those necessary expenses if you plan to buy a home with less than 20 percent down in cash. But recent action by Congress may end the practice of letting PMI go on indefinitely, even after the equity on the loan has grown to more than 20 percent, unless the borrower takes steps to cancel the policy.
Identifying And Fixing Your Credit Problems Part I
The only person who can fix your credit is you, experts say. And it takes time and effort to make sure that credit errors are fixed, bad debts are paid off or negotiated, and other "negatives" fade into the background. And, it takes time for you to build up a track record of good credit.