Having cash can be helpful to put down a larger down payment, pay everyday expenses, or satisfy debt. Learn more about investment options for your cash, what you can do with more cash, and what your cash means on this page.
Cash May Overcome Fatal Flaw When Selling A Home
When you're selling your home and it sits on the market for a few months you may wonder what's wrong with your property. In some cases, the property you're selling may have a fatal flaw such as a lack of a parking space in the city. How can you overcome a fatal flaw when you're selling your home? You can try offering incentives to the prospective home buyers and buyer's agent.
Choose Cash Instead Of Real Estate In Contest
When you win a home in a contest you're still responsible for taxes on your winnings including property taxes. When you have a choice between cash and real estate it may be better to choose cash. If you choose the home and keep it then you'll have to pay property taxes and maintain the home. If you choose the home and sell it you'll have to spend money on a real estate commission and other expenses.
Receive Social Security Via Direct Deposit
Getting your paycheck or Social Security check electronically through direct deposit has many benefits including safety. Hear the story of one senior who now receives her Social Security money electronically and really likes it. In addition, if all Social Security recipients received their cash directly into bank accounts it would save the federal government a lot of money in postage and printing expenses.
Use Investment Property Cash Flow To Pay Off Primary Mortgage
When you buy investment property you want to take in more money than you spend on the mortgage. When you have positive cash flow on an investment property you can take that extra cash and use it to pay off the mortgage on your primary residence. Once you've paid off the mortgage on your primary residence you can save money to use toward maintaining the other properties and eventually buy another investment property.
Life Insurance Can Be Whole Or Term
When you're buying life insurance you have two main choices: whole life or term life. Another phrase for whole life insurance is universal life insurance. When you buy whole life insurance you pay the insurance agent a commission upfront. Term life insurance works differently -- you can buy a new policy every year or pay a consistent rate for the entire duration of the policy. Learn about the differences between whole life and term life insurance.
How To Determine Foreclosure Market Value
When you're buying a foreclosure you'll likely bid on the property with the lender. How can you know how much cash to bid on a foreclosure? You'll want to bid something comparable to the foreclosure's market value. How can you figure out the market value of a foreclosure?
Fixed Or Adjustable Rate Mortgage: Choosing The Best Mortgage For You
Fixed rate mortgage or adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) - choosing the best mortgage for you depends on your current situation. Ilyce advises a reader about whether a fixed or adjustable rate mortgage would be the best choice for his particular situation. Adjustable rate mortgages allow you to refinance, and save money as a opposed to a fixed-rate 30 year mortgage.