Having cash can be helpful to put down a larger down payment, pay everyday expenses, or satisfy debt. Learn more about investment options for your cash, what you can do with more cash, and what your cash means on this page.
Today’s Show On Newstalk 750 WSB
On today's show, we'll take a look at some of the new scams that popped up this week, and follow up on some issues relating to Identity Theft. I'm con...
Tips For First Time Home Buyer
A first-time home buyer is wondering about purchasing a home with cash. Paying for your first home entirely with cash is a very conservative financial move. Whether you choose to do it depends on how nervous you are about being able to make your payments each month and what kind of return you expect from your investments elsewhere. It might be smarter to make a substantial down payment and take out a mortgage for the rest.
How To Finance Home Repairs
A homeowner is having repairs made to her home costing a large amount of money and considering using the equity in her home instead of cash. The cash can be used to make the repairs and an equity loan or line of credit can be open for emergencies. It makes more sense to use cash earning little interest than to take out a home equity loan at a much higher percentage.
Paying Off Mortgage Brings Peace Of Mind
Should a homeowner take the proceeds from selling a business and pay off her mortgage? Paying off a mortgage is a good way to reduce your out-of-pocket cash expenditures each month. However, you have to make sure that you make enough by saving on interest, than you would if you invested the money. You also need to look at how much you will have to pay in taxes on the money.
Debt Reduction By Paying Off Higher Interest Loans
The best way to decide which loans to pay off first and reduce debt is to look at the interest rates. Student loans usually have lower interest rates than car loans and are partially tax-deductible. If you have extra money at the end of each month, pay off the highest interest loans first and pay as much into your retirement accounts as you possibly can.
Using Home Equity Loan Or Cash To Purchase New House
A recent retiree is planning on moving to a less expensive area and is thinking about using a home equity line of credit or use the proceeds from the sale of his condo to pay cash for his new home. There are advantages of buying with cash versus financing the new purchase. However, prior home sale contingencies make buyers nervous. He needs to go over all options for home equity loans and cash purchases with a mortgage broker before making a decision.
Continuing The Saga Of 12DailyPro.com And StormPay.com
The feds are moving in on 12dailypro.com and StormPay.com and not a moment too soon. Well, it is going to be too soon for those folks who have talked ...
Reverse Mortgage Loan Provides Extra Income
A reverse mortgage may be a way to obtain some extra income, especially if you're elderly or retired. A reverse mortgage lets you get the equity out of your home without having to sell it or take on another loan such as a home equity loan. Learn who might be a good candidate for a reverse mortgage, or HECM.