Having cash can be helpful to put down a larger down payment, pay everyday expenses, or satisfy debt. Learn more about investment options for your cash, what you can do with more cash, and what your cash means on this page.
Today on the Clark Howard Show
Jonathan Pond has a new book out that's tailored to Baby Boomers who are worried about having enough cash to pay for their retirement: "You Can Do It!...
Use Cash Savings To Pay Off Credit Card Debt
If you've found yourself in a situation with a large amount of credit card debt and cash on hand, take the cash to pay off the credit card debt. While it might be nice to think you have a cushion of cash for an emergency, there's no point in paying high credit card interest rates when you have the cash to pay it off. If you simply pay off the debt, and then start to "repay" yourself with the savings, you'll quickly replenish your cash savings.
Yesterday on the Ilyce Glink Show
We had a call on the show asking about financial planners. A woman called in to ask about her mother, who has a substantial amount of assets, is 77 ye...
Structuring Your Inheritance To Avoid Conflict
Designating children as beneficiaries to brokerage and bank accounts can lead to difficulties. Minor children can't inherit cash. You need to have the cash and financial assets in a trust with a trustee (and backup trustee) named until they become of legal age, or until you feel they are old enough to manage these resources appropriately. Leaving real estate to children can be tricky. It's expensive to own and maintain -- and they may not have enough income to keep the property going and they may not be living anywhere near the actual property.
More From The Ilyce Glink Show
Here's something I didn't get to on the show. Did You Vote Your Pocketbook? Did you vote your pocketbook? The New York Times today took a look at ho...
Real Estate Minute: Are you Hemorrhaging Money In Your Household?
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Are you Hemorrhaging Money In Your Household? Original Air Date: October 17, 2006
NPR This Morning
I was interviewed on NPR this morning www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6123037 about what to do if you have an interest-only loan and wan...
Closing Cost Hell
One of the biggest complaints consumers have about the loan process is that the good faith estimate (GFE) is so often wrong -- and wrong in a big way....
Real Estate Minute: Don’t Spend The Inheritance Just Yet
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Don’t Spend The Inheritance Just Yet Original Air Date: August 25, 2006
Plan How To Invest Your Cash For Retirement
Is it best to pay off a mortgage or invest the money for retirement? How should you invest a large amount of money to get the most value from the cash? To make the best decision for your personal finances, you need to plan how to use the money. Spend some time figuring out how much cash you'll have in retirement. Next, look at the expenses you have going forward. Figure out how long it will take you to pay off your house completely. With this research you'll be able to determine where to put your cash.