Having cash can be helpful to put down a larger down payment, pay everyday expenses, or satisfy debt. Learn more about investment options for your cash, what you can do with more cash, and what your cash means on this page.
One More Thing…
The Schwab survey also found that 69 percent of parents polled feel more prepared to talk about "the birds and the bees" instead of money. April 21, ...
Increase Cash Flow To Pay Down Mortgage
A teacher is trying to sell her house, but she's worried about the slow market and her adjustable rate mortgage resetting to a monthly payment that she can't afford on her income. She wants to know how to pay down her mortgage, or what other options she has. To pay down your mortgage you can get another job or get a tenant to live with you. The only way to increase cash flow is to increase your income or lower expenses.
Use Cash Strategically On Credit Card Debt
If your credit card debt is spread out over several credit cards, you should plan how to use your cash to get the most benefit for your credit score. Spreading the payments across all the cards will not eliminate the debt, but it will lower the balance-to-credit-limit ratio, improving your credit score. Or to pay off the cards the fastest, put all of the cash toward the highest interest rate. Then use the money you'll save to pay off the rest of the cards. Plan your strategy for what will give the most benefit to your personal finances.
Handle With Care: Tax Refund Loans
As tax season gets closer you're probably hearing lots of ads for tax refund anticipation loans. These loans give you money now that you normally rece...
Cash Out Refinance For Remodel
A cash out refinance may help a homeowner remodel the home. The cheapest thing to do would be to pay cash. But the next cheapest thing would be to do a cash-out refinance and get a new mortgage at today's reasonable interest rates.
Tipping Generates Good Will
What's a huge topic of conversation this time of year? How much cash you should hand out as a tip this holiday season. If you're wondering what every...
Can Payday Lenders Be Non-Profit?
For millions of Americans, pay day can't come quickly enough. In fact, many employees run out of cash before the next paycheck is handed over. Payday...
Buying A House? Here’s A Great Idea From A WSB Listener
Tim called the show this morning asking if he should put sod down in his front yard to make it shine for the Internet. Then, he offered this gem for b...
Updating from March 8, 2007 Clark Howard Show
Want to save money on gas? Check out www.cheapskateshopping.com. The website bills itself as being "professional cheapskates" and they have great info...
Today on the Clark Howard Show
We're halfway through Hannukah and it's almost Christmas, so today's show will reflect the spirit of the holidays with these stories: * Holiday inter...