A budget is one way to consistently manage your money. A budget usually allocates a certain amount of money to each of your expenses such as rent, student loans, car loans, mortgage loans and credit card debt. Learn tips to create an effective budget and what to include in a budget as well as when it’s appropriate to start children on a budget.
DIY: Make It or Buy It—How to Decide
Most of us face this tough question from time to time: Should I buy it or make it? Are these bagels worth the $10 for a dozen, or could I just as easily make them from scratch? Is this outdoor table a good deal, or should I learn a little woodworking and make my own [...]
Saving Money: When Is a Deal Not Really a Deal?
One of my latest bargain finds is batteries at my local dollar store. I’ve been buying packs of eight AA and AAA batteries for—you guessed it—$1. That’s a huge savings compared to the $8 per eight-pack at my local grocer. However, I’m starting to wonder if the dollar store batteries are wearing out more quickly [...]
Top 10 Ways to Save Money on Valentine’s Day
Save money this Valentine's Day with these top 10 tips on how to enjoy Valentine's Day while on a budget. Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. And whether they’re spending it with the love of their life or just some friends, consumers are expected to spend an average of [...]
Divorce: Division of Assets and Property
During divorce the division of assets and property can take a long time. Find a divorce attorney to help divide your marital assets. Q: My husband and I have been married for over 15 years. Two years ago, we separated and later decided to give ourselves a second chance. Unfortunately, it has not gone so [...]
Personal Finance Resolutions for 2013
Personal finance resolutions for 2013 that will help you save money and get out of debt. Get your finances in order to buy a house. We’re not even half way through the first month of 2013, but already everyone seems tired of talking about their personal finances. The last seven years of financial chaos has [...]
Homemade Holiday Gifts That Don’t Look Homemade
Nothing says “I care” quite like a handmade holiday gift. Bonus: Homemade gifts can be a great way to stretch your gift budget and to let the whole family flex their creative skills. Here are a few ideas to jumpstart your DIY holiday gift list: Whatever you make, go assembly line. In other words, plan [...]
Eight Ways to Save on Holiday Parties and Food
Throwing a festive party can be the high point of your holiday season—but it can also be a jolt to your holiday budget if you’re not careful. Here are a few ways to warmly welcome friends and family while hanging on to your cold cash: 1. Multiply the fun: If you’re having multiple small groups [...]
Money Management Lessons from the Military
The military is known for turning ordinary citizens into soldiers but not usually for teaching those soldiers about money management and how to handle their personal finances. However, the military did teach Steve Repak, Army veteran and Certified Financial Planner™, all he needed to know about personal finance so that he could dig himself out of debt and build his [...]