A budget is one way to consistently manage your money. A budget usually allocates a certain amount of money to each of your expenses such as rent, student loans, car loans, mortgage loans and credit card debt. Learn tips to create an effective budget and what to include in a budget as well as when it’s appropriate to start children on a budget.
Seven Ways to Save on Your Remodeling Project
Saving money is often top of mind when it comes to home improvements, whether you’re planning a home addition, remodeling your kitchen, or swapping out your bathroom fixtures. As you plan your project, here are seven time-tested tips that may help you save both time and money: 1. Make hiring the right contractor your first [...]
The Best and Worst Things to Buy in December
With all the store signs advertising their holidays sales, it’s easy to assume that everything is at its best price in December. However, smart shoppers know otherwise. They only buy items in December that are truly on rock-bottom sale, and they wait until after the holidays season is over to purchase everything else. If you’re [...]
How I’m Teaching My Kids Good Credit Behavior
My 17-year-old daughter is just about to get her first credit card. Next year at this time she’ll be in college, and I want her to get some credit card experience now, while I can still mentor her. If you’re teaching your child about credit, maybe some of what I’m doing can be helpful to [...]
5 Things Not to Buy on Black Friday
Black Friday is a tempting time to shop if you love the energy of crowds and the possibility of a great deal. If you have some patience, you may be able to find better prices on many items later in the holiday season, or at another time of year. Here are five items you can [...]
Prioritize Your Charitable Contributions This Holiday Season
With the holiday season on the horizon, you may see an uptick in the number of requests to donate from charitable organizations. We all like to help out when we can, and the holiday season seems an especially appropriate time for many of us to show our generosity. To help you give back while maintaining [...]
The Ilyce Glink Show on WSB Radio: November 16, 2014
Ilyce Glink Show on WSB Radio: Giving real estate and personal finance advice. On this week’s WSB radio show, Ilyce discussed what matters most when your kid gets in a car accident, how the declining gas prices will impact the economy and a unique way to stabilize your retirement portfolio with an untapped reverse mortgage. If [...]
Smart Ways to Withdraw Your Money in Retirement
The day is finally here. After decades of saving, diversifying your portfolio, and managing your investments, you’ve entered retirement. You’re ready to transition from saving for retirement to withdrawing from your accounts, but how can you make sure that your money will last as long as you need it? “The best advice,” says Lee Baker, [...]
How to Live a Budget-Friendly Retirement
Retirement is often referred to as The Golden Years, and for many of us, it’s an opportunity to do some of the things we’ve always dreamed of doing. However, The Golden Years can also be a time of concern when it comes to ensuring our hard earned retirement savings last. According to an April 2014 [...]