A budget is one way to consistently manage your money. A budget usually allocates a certain amount of money to each of your expenses such as rent, student loans, car loans, mortgage loans and credit card debt. Learn tips to create an effective budget and what to include in a budget as well as when it’s appropriate to start children on a budget.
Personal Finance and Marriage: When To Consult a Financial Advisor
Marriage means compromise when it comes to personal finances. Two people often enter a marriage with differing views on personal finances. Sometimes the differences are so great that the married couple needs to consult a financial advisor in order to create a united view on their joint personal finances.
Prevent Foreclosure By Paying Mortgage, Talking To Lender
Prevent foreclosure by paying the mortgage and talking to your lender if you're having a cash flow problem. When you do your budget, be sure to pay your mortgage first because that is your most important bill, and let your lender know you may need help. Some states put foreclosures on the fast-track, allowing your lender to send you a foreclosure notice withing 60 days of a missed mortgage payment.
Can Payday Lenders Be Non-Profit?
For millions of Americans, pay day can't come quickly enough. In fact, many employees run out of cash before the next paycheck is handed over. Payday...
Real Estate Minute: Budget For Rising Gas Prices
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Gas Prices are Rising – Where is that extra $50 a week coming from in your budget?
New Year’s Eve 2006 On The Ilyce Glink Show
If you want to improve your finances in 2007, consider paying a visit to CCCS of Greater Atlanta (www.cccsatl.org). They offer FREE budgeting counseli...
It’s Starting To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Halloween decorations went up in mid-September. Now, day after Thanksgiving sales have started in early November. Wal-Mart announced last night that ...
What’s Better Than Cheap? Try Free!
Wal-Mart threw the opening salvo: $4 prescriptions for more than 300 drugs, all of them generic substitutes. Yesterday, Mark Murray, president of Mei...
Real Estate Minute: Teach Teenage Budgeting Habits
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Teach Teenage Budgeting Habits Original Air Date: July 14, 2006
Valentine’s Day Week
It's Valentine's Day week and the world is abuzz with love. Or rather, retail merchants in the U.S. are hoping that everyone feels enough love to go ...
Cutting Your Budget To The Bone
I went to one of my best friend's weddings last night. What struck me about Pam and Paul's wedding (her second, his first) was how warm and wonderful ...