A budget is one way to consistently manage your money. A budget usually allocates a certain amount of money to each of your expenses such as rent, student loans, car loans, mortgage loans and credit card debt. Learn tips to create an effective budget and what to include in a budget as well as when it’s appropriate to start children on a budget.
Financial New Year’s Resolutions: Clean Up Your Personal Finances
Prepare yourself for the new year by cleaning up your personal finances. The recession has affected us all, but it's time for a fresh start with New Year's Resolutions to get your personal finances back on track. Follow these New Year's Resolutions now and for the rest of the year to clean up your credit, save money, and stay on top of your investments. These New Year's Resolutions will help prepare your personal finances for the rest of the year.
Top Three Financial New Year’s Resolutions
Make a New Year's Resolution to clean up your personal finances. Stick to a budget, live within your means, and put away savings every month. Below are the top three financial new year's resolutions. Make 2010 the year to stick to your financial new year's resolutions.
Track Expenses To Create A Household Budget
As the economy tightens, more Americans may be thinking about their household budgets. Household budgets include major expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, but also smaller costs such as cable television. How can you set up a household budget? Track daily expenses to see what you're spending. Use a money tracking software program such as Quicken or Microsoft Money to make tracking expenses throughout the seasons easier.
Adjust Family Budget to Pay Mortgage Rent
Americans spend more of their budget than they used to on mortgage and rent payments. The percentage of the family budget used for housing costs has become unmanageable for some families. How can families cut or increase their household budget to pay their rent or mortgage? Here are some tips for the family budget.
Ilyce Glink on WSB Radio – September 14, 2008
Today on the Ilyce Glink Show, we provided tips on how to save money at the grocery store as well as what are the top 10 biggest budget drains. We took calls about PMI, investment property, credit card fraud and how to protect yourself, how to get a better financial settlement from lost airline luggage, using retirement savings to buy a house, deducting the interest on a second property, rules for selling an investment property after turning it into a primary residence, great money saving suggestions on food, capital gains tax, and rental properties. Ilyce also talked about Lehman Brothers and the stock market. For show notes and updates through the week, check out her blog at www.thinkglink.com/blog , and sign up for her free weekly newsletter on the ThinkGlink.com home page. Check out the videos at www.expertrealestatetips.net. And be sure to subscribe to her YouTube channel.
Many ‘Household CFOs’ Lack Emergency Funds
A recent survey found 68 percent of "household CFOs," those responsible for managing their families' budgets, don't have an emergency fund. Consumer ...
Sarah Susanka: Home Design And Money
Architect Sarah Susanka discusses the home design process and money. When you're doing a home design with an architect you should discuss money at every meeting. Home design includes balancing dreams against the money you have to spend.
Retirement Living For Baby Boomers
Baby boomers expect more active retirement living that the generation before them. Baby boomers look at amenities available for use during retirement living. Boomers require for retirement living: social networking, volunteering and learning. As homeowners, Boomers also want home design that better fits their needs like larger kitchens, dual master suites and spare bedrooms. And even Boomers on a limited budget are looking for extra amenities for their retirement living.
Who Will Teach Your Kids About Money?
Money must still be taboo in many American families. Only 20 percent of parents involve their teens in financial discussions, according to a Charles S...
Jobless Claims Return To Post Hurricane Katrina Levels
In December 2001 a group of us went to a conference room in a high rise tower in Fairfax, Va. We knew it was coming. Layoffs. It wasn't that we hadn'...