A budget is one way to consistently manage your money. A budget usually allocates a certain amount of money to each of your expenses such as rent, student loans, car loans, mortgage loans and credit card debt. Learn tips to create an effective budget and what to include in a budget as well as when it’s appropriate to start children on a budget.
Saving Money By Chasing Seasonal Sales
When your refrigerator suddenly dies, you obviously have to buy another one, pronto. You don’t have time to save money for a new one or watch for a great sale. Similarly, if you realize your patio dining set isn’t party-worthy right before you host your family reunion, you’ll probably run out to buy new outdoor [...]
Six Tax Resolutions for the New Year
It’s a fresh, clean new year. We indulged ourselves last month and ended the year with a blast. Now, it’s time to come back down to earth and face financial reality. Luckily, I have some tax tips you might find helpful as you try to stick to your financial goals and resolutions. 2012 brings us [...]
New Year’s Financial Resolutions for 2012
We all should have New Year's Financial resolutions to help guide us in 2012 and improve our financial health during these financial hard times. Are you tired of thinking about your finances? The Great Recession has had a lasting impact on how we think about and manage our money, especially those of us who have [...]
How to Plan for Next Year’s Home Improvement Projects
Do you have a wish list of home-improvement projects? Have you thought about what you’ll be able to afford to do this year and how much it will cost? Over at my house, I’ve been making my list of home improvements and checking it twice. As we end the year, I thought I’d share a [...]
Personal Finance Resolutions You Can Make (and Keep) in 2011
Personal finance resolutions you can make and keep in 2011. Personal finance resolutions for 2011 include: how to make a family budget, how to stick to a budget, pay off your charge card, invest in retirement plans. Make personal finance resolutions in 2011 and keep personal finance resolutions in 2011. Resolutions for 2011 include personal finance resolutions. Savings accounts, budgets, 529 plans and credit rating are part of personal finance resolutions you can make and keep in 2011.
Are You Spending More, Less, Or The Same This Christmas?
Are You Spending More, Less, Or The Same This Christmas? So many people are unemployed, federal government workers are getting a pay cut, that I wondered whether you'd be spending more, less or the same on holiday gifts this Christmas? So, I asked WSB listeners to share their Christmas spending plans. Are you spending more, less or the same? Please leave your comments on the blog. GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF INFORMATION: CHECK OUT OUR EBOOK AND PODCAST DEALS - DISCOUNT CODES BELOW.
On a Student’s Budget: Traditions on a Dime
The holiday season is upon us, and while I love giving gifts and spending time with my family, all of that bonding can really add up. Between buying presents, making dinners, and traveling, it is not hard to see why people get financially stretched around the holidays. But let's not forget what all of the cheesy holiday movies have taught us: it isn’t about presents or a tree or even the perfect turkey, the holidays are all about family. But just how do we bank on all of that warm and fuzzy sentiment without seeming like cheapskates?
Credit Debt, Unemployment Affect Holiday Consumer Spending
Credit debt and unemployment affect holiday consumer spending. Consumer spending this holiday shopping season will be affected by credit debt and unemployment. Holiday shoppers consumer spending habits affected by credit card debt and unemployment this holiday shopping season. Credit card companies say the decrease in holiday consumer spending is creating a "credit winter."
Five Ways to Shave Those Utility Bills This Summer
This summer, you can easily save money on your utility bills, energy bills, and power bills. Some energy saving tips: to save money on your utility bills and save money, install energy saving products that use less energy: like a programmable thermostat or energy saving light bulbs. By using less energy, you slash utility bills, lowering your payments and go green at the same time. This article discusses more energy saving ideas and money saving strategies.