Is it better to refinance your mortgage to a lower interest rate or continue with an existing mortgage? What factors should you consider when refinancing a mortgage loan? Determining whether it’s a good idea to refinance a mortgage depends not only on the interest rate but also on how long you plan to stay in the home. Learn more here about how to refinance your mortgage in the articles, columns, radio shows, blog posts and videos.
Bailout Affects ARM Refinance
How has the recent credit crisis and bailout affected mortgage interest rates? To decide whether to refinance an adjustable rate mortgage into a fixed rate loan you need to understand which index your lender uses to set the ARM interest rate. ARMs are often tied to the London InterBank Offered Rate (LIBOR) or U.S. Treasury bills. These indexes may move in different directions and so you may want to refinance in one case but not the other. When you know which index affects your mortgage loan you will have a better idea of mortgage interest rates.
Refinance After Mortgage Crisis: Help Finding A Mortgage Lender
It may sound great when you hear you're pre-approved to refinance your mortgage loan. But how can you figure out whether the mortgage lender who wants to refinance your loan is credible, especially after the mortgage crisis? You can call the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and check out what other mortgage lenders such as credit unions, large national banks and mortgage brokers offer. You can also use an online search engine to check for news on the mortgage lender or broker you're considering.
Taxes Affect Manufactured Home Refinance Decision
The owner of a manufactured home asks whether to pay off the mortgage loan or invest extra money. Since the manufactured home is a second home or investment property, the home owner should consider how his taxes will be affected. Tax software or a tax preparer before can help sort this out before deciding to refinance this manufactured home.
Refinancing Mortgage: Cancel Mortgage Refinancing After Contracts Signed
Can you can cancel a mortgage refinance loan after having signed the paperwork. It depends on how soon after having signed the refinance documents you change your mind and some lenders may charge fees for backing out. Some contracts list specific cases when it is OK to cancel a loan.
Lender Turned Down Refinance
Refinancing may not be the best option to consolidate debt. If you don't have any equity in your property, you cannot refinance in order to consolidate debt. Mortgage lenders are getting picky about how much cash you can borrow against your equity. These days, they're not doing 100 percent loans, or anywhere close to that. If you're in a declining market, where home prices are falling, they might not refinance you if you have less than 5 or even 10 percent equity in your home.
Refinancing Home Loan: Shop Around To Save Money
A home owner asks how to refinance his home loan. The home loan refinance market has become chaotic so it pays to shop around and save money. A good place to refinance your home loan is a credit union, where you can save a lot of money because you can often get cheaper rates.
Time To Refinance With Low Rates?
Mortgage refinancing is the first thing to do when the Federal Reserve lowers its rates, right? Mortgage rates often move in opposition to the Fed. Good credit and equity in property will help you qualify for a new mortgage but you should shop around and do the math first to find the best interest rate.
Refinancing Required By Divorce Settlement
This divorcee is unable to refinance her home to remove her ex-husband's name, and can't afford the house on her own. The only way to get a name off of a mortgage is by refinancing. If the woman can't afford her home after her divorce, selling it might be a better option than refinancing.
Prepayment Penalty May Happen With Refinancing
While prepayment penalties are prohibited by many states, they're permitted by federally-chartered lenders. Who is a federally chartered lender? Any lender that has established its charter not in any one state but as a federal savings bank or under federal laws. Think of your major mortgage lenders, most online lenders, and local banks that have chosen to organize under a federal charter. If you're considering getting a home loan that has a prepayment penalty attached or considering refinancing an existing loan with a prepayment penalty, here's what you need to know.
Refinancing Property After Divorce
If you are getting property as part of a divorce settlement, what is the best way to refinance your mortgage payment? What are your options on how to refinance the mortgage on the property you will be receiving in the divorce? You should be able to afford the new mortgage payment after refinancing.