Fixing Up A Tear Down
More often, home buyers with money to spend want a brand new house in an old, established community. Instead of fixing up and even expanding existing homes, the bulldozer is brought in to start from scratch.
By Ilyce Glink| 2017-09-06T14:14:56-05:00 March 10th, 1997|
More often, home buyers with money to spend want a brand new house in an old, established community. Instead of fixing up and even expanding existing homes, the bulldozer is brought in to start from scratch.
By Ilyce Glink| 2017-09-06T14:14:09-05:00 February 10th, 1997|
Building a home? The National Home Builders Convention is the place to be if you are interested in home building and the real estate industry. It's where you'll find more home builders and more building supplies vendors - literally - than anywhere else in the world. The big findings at the show were stainless steel appliances, copper roofing, stone accessories, swimming fitness equipment and water filtration systems.
By Ilyce Glink| 2017-08-18T15:18:22-05:00 June 24th, 1996|
An environmental property report plots a property address of interest at the center of a local map and indicates where potential problems are. For any site that turns up within a one mile radius of the property address, ERIIScan provides a text report with the name and address of the site, the type of database in which it is registered and the distance from the property.
By Ilyce Glink| 1995-03-06T00:00:00-06:00 March 6th, 1995|
Building a home? The National Home Builders Convention is the place to be if you are interested in home building and the real estate industry. It's where you'll find more home builders and more building supplies vendors - literally - than anywhere else in the world. The big findings at the show were that women are making more decisions, home owners want flexibility and more remodeling is being done.