Buying a home is often the biggest single purchase you’ll ever make. But it isn’t just choosing a home to buy that’s complicated. You’ve got to think through neighborhood issues, size issues, and cost issues. Buying a home can also include legal issues, construction or building concerns, and have serious tax implications. Financing your home purchase is another big topic of interest for most home buyers. From this topic page, you’ll be able to find articles and videos that help you understand how to balance what you want in a home with what you can afford to spend. You’ll also be able to refine your search about buying a home by using the topic cloud on the right navigation.
Rising Home Values Challenge Buyers
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-11-18T00:00:00-06:00 November 18th, 2003|
If you already own a home, the fact that prices are rising 5 to 7 percent a year is good news. But what if you're looking to buy a house? Then you just want that appreciation to slow down long enough to buy something and join the party.
How To Handle Seller’s Remorse
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-11-14T00:00:00-06:00 November 14th, 2003|
When a seller agrees to the terms of an offer, and then suddenly decides not to sell, generally one of two things has happened: Either the seller has received another, more lucrative offer for the property and wants to back out of the original deal in order to get more money or the seller has had a change of heart and has decided to stay in the home for the time being.
Dispute With Neighbor Over Where Property Ends
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-09-12T09:00:00-05:00 September 12th, 2003|
These homeowners own the property surrounding their home, but their new neighbors insist part of the property belongs to them. Fencing the property would make it clear where one property ends and the neighbor's begins. A surveyor can also state the property and make official what belongs to which homeowner.
Educating Renters To Become Home Buyers
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-06-19T00:00:00-05:00 June 19th, 2003|
A 10-week home ownership class is helping renters learn the basics of how to buy and maintain their first home. The class gives renters the ability to ask questions of the lenders and agents who can help take it out of the classroom and into the neighborhood. Interest rates are the lowest they've been in nearly 55 years, giving renters a one-time window of opportunity to buy a home and pay the same or even less for their mortgage than they've been paying in rent.
A Time To Rent, A Time To Buy
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-05-26T00:00:00-05:00 May 26th, 2003|
One of the biggest mistakes renters make is beginning the search for a home to purchase right after signing a new lease. In fact, some renters start looking for a home, and when they don't find one right away, sign a new lease and continue the search. Unless your lease gives you the ability to cancel it on written notice, you could be stuck making all of the rent payments due under your rental lease - even if you've already closed on your new home.
Knowing You’re In The Right “Hood”
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-04-21T00:00:00-05:00 April 21st, 2003|
How do you find a neighborhood? Most people choose neighborhoods because they're close to family, friends, schools, a particular house of worship, or their job. Once you've narrowed down your search to a specific town, it's time to figure out which neighborhood within that city or town is going to be right for you.
Ten Steps To Homeownership (Part 2)
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-04-11T00:00:00-05:00 April 11th, 2003|
For those with poor credit, or renters just out of college, homeownership can seem like a far-off dream. And while it's good to be focused, it's helpful to have a few simple steps get you on the path to achieving that dream. Do your research to decide what neighborhood you want to be in. Location is everything. Choose the right financing for your mortgage, and set up your closing to make sure you'll have enough cash in the bank.
Ten Steps To Homeownership
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-04-03T00:00:00-06:00 April 3rd, 2003|
For those with poor credit, or renters just out of college, homeownership can seem like a far-off dream. And while it's good to be focused, it's helpful to have a few simple steps get you on the path to achieving that dream. Get your financing in order before you look for a home. Make sure your credit is clean, and you have the necessary down payment or co-signer.
Should I Buy A New Or Existing Home?
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-03-03T00:00:00-06:00 March 3rd, 2003|
If you ask home buyers what kind of house they'd like to own, they invariably say "new." If the house isn't newly constructed, then most buyers would like to own a house that feels just like new. But buying a new home usually means trading off other things, like location. If you're on the fence, wondering whether you should buy a new or existing home, here are a few things to mull over.
Using A Wish List And Reality Check To Figure Out What You Want And Need
By Ilyce Glink| 2003-02-10T00:00:00-06:00 February 10th, 2003|
How do you figure out what you want and need when buying a home? Consider constructing a wish list and reality check of what you must have and what could be compromised in a new home. A wish list is everything you've ever dreamed of having in a home, and a reality check is what you need to survive in a home.