Buying a home is often the biggest single purchase you’ll ever make. But it isn’t just choosing a home to buy that’s complicated. You’ve got to think through neighborhood issues, size issues, and cost issues. Buying a home can also include legal issues, construction or building concerns, and have serious tax implications. Financing your home purchase is another big topic of interest for most home buyers. From this topic page, you’ll be able to find articles and videos that help you understand how to balance what you want in a home with what you can afford to spend. You’ll also be able to refine your search about buying a home by using the topic cloud on the right navigation.
Down Payment Cash: Get It From Employer
By Ilyce Glink| 2004-09-10T00:00:00-05:00 September 10th, 2004|
As housing prices have soared nationwide, the number of companies giving cash to their employees to help with a down payment has surged. But a relatively new program in Illinois has helped local companies do even more than assist with down payment cash for their workers. Learn about the income requirements for one program that helps home buyers raise cash for down payments.
New Mortgage Programs For Hopeful Buyers
By Ilyce Glink| 2004-09-09T00:00:00-05:00 September 9th, 2004|
Although the homeownership rate in the US hit an all-time high of 68 percent this year, mortgage lenders are trying to drum up more business. Lenders are developing new programs with the hopes of attracting folks who never thought they could own a home. With the price of homes skyrocketing, mortgage lenders are coming up with some creative new ways of reaching new home buyers.
Buying Property With My Sister
By Ilyce Glink| 2004-09-03T00:00:00-05:00 September 3rd, 2004|
Buying property with relatives can be a little tricky. Here are a few ways to successfully buy property with relatives, including putting a house into a trust, owning the property as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, or using a partnership agreement to define what happens in various scenarios. A real estate attorney can also help find a plan that will work best for relatives buying a home together.
Emotional Quotient Important When Buying A House
By Ilyce Glink| 2004-09-03T00:00:00-05:00 September 3rd, 2004|
Buying a home before you're ready almost always leads to buyer's remorse. Home buyers tend to try to fit both wants and needs into a single property. Here are ways to avoid five common emotional mistakes that come with buying a home.
Building A Home On Purchased Land
By GlinkAndTamkin| 2022-09-18T10:53:23-05:00 August 20th, 2004|
Building your own home is something you can always look back on as a major life accomplishment. However, before you build your house, it's good to understand the legal issues associated with building a home. You can build a home on land that you won and you don't need additional documentation to verify your ownership of the home.
How To Buy The Right House for You
By Ilyce Glink| 2004-08-20T00:00:00-05:00 August 20th, 2004|
House-hunting is difficult if you focus in on the wrong things when buying a house. Top agents will often recommend home buyers create a wish list of everything they want in a property, and then a list of items you can't live without. When you schedule a first showing, pull out your "must haves" list. You're looking to buy a home that meets your basic needs.
Suing Seller May Be Only Recouse
By GlinkAndTamkin| 2004-08-20T00:00:00-05:00 August 20th, 2004|
Suing the seller may be the only option for a home buyer that feels they were misled prior to purchase. If a developer made claims about the property that have turned out to be true, the buyer may have cause for misrepresentation. However, since the contract states the deposit was non-refundable, the buyers will have to sue. The dispute is between the buyer and the seller, and the credit card company can not get your money back for you.
Avoid Scams When Buying Property
By GlinkAndTamkin| 2004-08-13T00:00:00-05:00 August 13th, 2004|
Watch out for this real estate scam. The scam artist sells somebody else's property, collects the money, and then skips town. Here are some tips on how to avoid getting scammed when you buy property.
Down Payment Cash Comes From Chicago Employers
By Ilyce Glink| 2004-08-05T00:00:00-05:00 August 5th, 2004|
Some Chicago area employers give their employees cash for a down payment as an employee benefit. Learn which employers give employees cash for a home down payment and how they can take advantage of tax credits when they provide down payment assistance. Getting cash for a down payment from an employer can make home buying easier.
Buyer Worried Deal Will Fold
By GlinkAndTamkin| 2004-07-30T00:00:00-05:00 July 30th, 2004|
A buyer signs a contract to purchase a commercial property and is worried he will be held responsible if it goes under. If he is on the contract, the seller can pursue him as the contract permits. Depending on why the deal is going under, the seller may be able to go after any one of the buyers.