Financial planning is when you develop a plan for your money. Financial planning is the process of determining what your goals are and how you can reach those goals with your money, usually through investments. In some cases, people hire financial planners to help them. Financial planners may have a variety of credentials and may work on a fee-only basis or for a commission. Learn some financial planning tips here.
Unpaid Home Loans: Sibling Wants Her Fair Share
Unpaid Home Loans Reader wants her fair share after siblings failed to repay home loans to mother's estate Q: My mother told me directly that the home loans my sisters and brother received from her would be taken out of their inheritance. My mother passed away 10 years ago. I just found out that my [...]
Pros and Cons of Joint Financial Accounts
Joint Financial Accounts: Pros and Cons Q: Could you explain the pros and cons of having joint financial accounts with a daughter? I also own my home with her as well? My husband has passed away. I have a will and other needed documents. A: We’re sorry for your loss. We understand how having joint [...]
Title Issues Cloud Estate
Title Issues Cloud Estate Step-daughter wonders why lender failed to add her to title and what she can do now Q: Early last year, my stepmom and I had a meeting with her loan company to figure out what the easiest way to pass her home to me when she died. I know nothing about [...]
Trusts: How to Handle a Home in a Trust
Trusts: How to Handle a Home in a Trust Q: My mom's home is in a trust. She passed away towards the end of last year. She lived in the home for over 20 years. Her trust lists her six grandchildren as the beneficiaries of the trust. We’ve found a buyer for the home who [...]
Can We Switch Inheritances?
Can we switch inheritances? Two brothers don't want to share the two properties they inherited. They'd rather switch inheritances, so that each brother inherits a separate property. Can the estate handle this? Inheritances Can Be Complicated Q: My brother and I inherited two houses upon my father's death. We each share half interest in each [...]
Revocable vs Irrevocable Trust: Which is Better
Revocable vs irrevocable trust: which is better. The difference between revocable and irrevocable trusts and the purpose each serves in estate planning. Q: I am divorced and have two grown daughters. I am placing my house in a trust. My attorney is recommending an irrevocable trust. Which do you prefer, revocable or irrevocable and why? [...]
3 Tips for Financial Success in 2020
3 tips for financial success in 2020. Make improving your financial wellness and preparing for an economic downturn a top priority this year, here's why. How Are Your Personal Finances Doing? How Much Have They Changed Over the Past 10 Years? Overall, average income hasn’t increased much over the past ten years, while home values [...]