Get consumer advice on product purchases, financial planning, recalls, scams, fraud and more. Take a look at our articles, blog posts, Q&As, videos and radio shows for consumer advice on a wide variety of topics.
My House Is Killing Me! The Home Guide for Families With Allergies and Asthma
My House Is Killing Me! The Home Guide for Families With Allergies and Asthma by Jeffrey C. May and Jonathan M. Samet. Asthma and allergy sufferers, t...
Home Office Design For The Perfect Space
It doesn't take much to set up a home office. No matter what the business, most folks can make do with a table and chair, computer, fax and telephone. Oh, and some storage space is always helpful. But while bare bones may appeal to your budget and timetable, those who have the ability to actually design a home office that truly meets their needs, and is aesthetically pleasing to boot, typically end up with something special. "At Work At Home" by Neal Zimmerman helps you come up with the perfect home office.
The New Family Home: Creating the Perfect Home for Today and Tomorrow
The New Family Home: Creating the Perfect Home for Today and Tomorrow by by Jim Tolpin and Mary Lathrop. These days, home is often the only place to r...
Home Improvement And Home Repairs: Getting Through Them With Ease
Ilyce gives advice to homeowners who are planning home improvement and home repairs. Homeowners who are planning home improvement and home repairs should put the deal with their contractor in writing. Homeowners should also hire a real estate attorney to draw up the contracts and make sure their home improvement or home repair plans go smoothly.
Homeowners And Home Improvement Projects: How To Survive
Homeowners can do several simple things to survive home improvement projects. The most important thing for homeowners to do is plan ahead for home improvement projects - including choosing paint colors, wall tiles, even the door knobs. The less homeowners have to do during the home improvement project, the easier it will be to survive. Homeowners should also make sure they have written contracts on all their home improvement projects in order to keep things running smoothly with the contractor.
Health Insurance Questions Work For Pet Insurance
When you have a pet you may decide you want to buy pet insurance to cover your pet's health costs. How can you decide on the right pet insurance? You can ask questions similar to what you'd ask for a human health insurance policy.
Beauty Expenses Add Up
Do you know how much you spend to look your best? It's probably a lot more than you think. Some people spend so much money, they're embarrassed about it. The expenses of personal grooming and beauty can really add up, and a lot of those products never even get used.
Save Money: Use Web For Best Travel Deals
Many of these deals are time-sensitive, and may have expired by the time you read this column. Save money and check the Web sites listed below for other good deals that may be available today. If you're booking flights you can earn bonus miles for booking online. You can even use a senior discount on the web.
Save Money For Home Repair
When you buy a home you may not be thinking about home repair right away. But it's important to save money you can use toward home repair so that you're not in a bind at the last minute. Learn about some of the typical types of home repair and home improvement projects you should save money for.
Watch Out For Credit Scams
Credit repair scams are easy to avoid - if you know what to watch out for. Avoid anyone promising an easy way out or something for a flat fee. It's most likely a scam, or something illegal.