Get consumer advice on product purchases, financial planning, recalls, scams, fraud and more. Take a look at our articles, blog posts, Q&As, videos and radio shows for consumer advice on a wide variety of topics.
Class Action Lawsuit Information
Every year billions of dollars from class action lawsuit settlements go unclaimed by consumers, investors, and small businesses. Are you entitled to some of this unclaimed class action settlement money? Which class action lawsuits apply to you? Find out if there's a class action suit check waiting for you.
How To Avoid Tax Scams
WGN TV Show Notes For Tuesday, April 3, 2001 ANCHOR: You've got just 12 days to file your federal and state income taxes. But that's still enough tim...
New Truck Needed For Business
When you walk into a dealership, you want to be prepared. For this lanscaper, he wants to know about leasing work trucks. He can try contacting the manufacturers for more information. As a well-informed shopper, he will be better prepared to negotiate with the dealers.
Car Dies After Installing New Engine
A used car needs a new engine, but still dies after installing the new engine. Ilyce recommends checking the warranty terms. Unfortunately, the car may just be a lemon.
Co-Signing Loan Leads To Problems
Co-signing a loan can be very risky. When you get stuck with the payments for a loan you co-signed for, you can speak to an attorney about what rights you have and whether you have legal options.
Sell Or Keep Problematic Car?
Is it better to keep and fix a problem automobile or sell it off? With a high-interest car loan, there are other steps you can take to deal with the automobile's problems without taking on more debt. And it might be worth seeing if the automobile falls under your state's lemon laws.
Used Car Purchase Fraud
Purchasers must do their homework ahead of time. After purchasing a used car, the car fails emission tests. The dealer has had the car for four weeks to fix the problem, but it hasn't happened. The owner would like a refund but is refuses. This sounds like fraud and the purchaser should file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.
Where To Get Health Insurance If Self-Employed
How can someone who has a health "history" get covered by health insurance benefits? There are several resources for those who are self-employed or unemployed to find health insurance. Even if you have preexisting health issues, you can get health insurance, but you're challenge is getting it an an affordable cost.
Frequently Asked Consumer Questions
Where can consumers find their free annual credit report? How can consumers cut telemarketer calls? What do consumers need to know about estate planning? Here is consumer advice to answer common questions.
Patient Drug Assistance Programs
If you are in dire financial straits because you are unemployed or don't have insurance, and if you can't afford to pay for your prescription drugs, help is available. Almost all of the major drug companies offer a patient assistance program in which your prescription drugs will be made available to you at a greatly reduced price or for free. You can check with the individual drug company, either by visiting the website or calling headquarters on the telephone, for more information. Also, ask your doctor to check with the pharmaceutical representative when he or she is in the office.