Get consumer advice on product purchases, financial planning, recalls, scams, fraud and more. Take a look at our articles, blog posts, Q&As, videos and radio shows for consumer advice on a wide variety of topics.
Wireless Phones May Be Susceptible To Fraud
Watch out for scams and fraud involving your cell or wireless phone. How can you protect your wireless or cell phone and line from fraud? Keep bills and service agreements for cell phones locked away and store your phone in a secure place. Learn about how cramming using wireless phones works.
Buy A Car From A Dealership Or Individual?
When you buy from a dealer, you have the option of paying up-front or financing the car. However, when you buy from an individual seller, there may be less pressure, but the car wil lbe sold to you without a warranty.
Buying A Used Car Tips
When you're buying a used car or automobile it's a good idea to get a mechanic to look it over beforehand. What mechanical parts should you look at when buying a used car? Read this used car buying checklist for tips.
Consumer Advice: The Lemon Law
If your automobile is less than two-and-a-half years old and has been repaired under the manufacturer's warranty several times but still has a substantial problem, the vehicle may be a "lemon." Contact your state's Attorney General's office for their Motor Vehicle Lemon Law program
Packing Payments With Automobile Dealer Financing
Packing or loading payments is a slang term used to describe a practice promoted by the credit insurance business and used by the auto industry to get customers to agree to purchase additional products, without revealing their true impact on their monthly payments. Automobile dealers who use "packed" or "loaded" payment quotes try to conceal their actions, so you may not realize immediately that you are being misled.
Tax Incentives For Alternative Fuel And Hybrids
If you're considering a Hybrid or Alternative Fuel automobile, the government may be willing to give you a break. Qualifying electric vehicles and clean-fuel vehicles (including gasoline/electric hybrids) purchased new are eligible for federal income tax incentives. Some state and local governments also provide incentives for alternative fuel vehicles.
What If I Change My Mind After Buying A Car?
Concerned you may make a bad decision when buying a new car? You're not alone.
How Do Hybrid Cars Work?
How do hybrid cars work?
How Much Car Can I Afford?
How do I know how much I can afford to pay for a car?
Purchasing A New Car Versus A Used Car
Purchasing a car can be a very big, very expensive decision. You want to make sure you have all the style and safety features you want, and that it fits within your budget. If you are willing to spend the money for a new car, you will be able to get the color you want, the options you want, and a decent warranty. However, if you take a few basic precautions, you can find a used car that is affordable and right for you.