Buying a new or used automobile is a big purchase. You want to make sure that you receive the best price, get good financing terms, and get the best car and features for you. Keep in mind safety, fuel efficiency, affordability and style when purchasing a new or used automobile. Take a look at the blog, videos, radio show and articles for more automobile advice, information and reviews.
How Do Hybrid Cars Work?
How do hybrid cars work?
Should I Finance My Car Through The Dealer?
When you are buying a car, chances are you have questions about your financing options.
Purchasing A New Car Versus A Used Car
Purchasing a car can be a very big, very expensive decision. You want to make sure you have all the style and safety features you want, and that it fits within your budget. If you are willing to spend the money for a new car, you will be able to get the color you want, the options you want, and a decent warranty. However, if you take a few basic precautions, you can find a used car that is affordable and right for you.
Increasing Rental Car Prices
Renting a car? Rental car prices are on the rise. Consumers walking into car rental companies later this year are more likely to find higher prices, older cars, and an alternative mix of rental vehicles.
Refinancing With Higher Credit Score
How much can a better credit score save you? If you aim to get your credit score above 720, you'll be able to get much better offers from creditors. The best thing you can do to raise your credit score is to pay every bill on time.
Automobile Business Expense As Tax Deduction
When you use your car for work you may be able to deduct your automobile expenses on your taxes. Eligible automobile expenses for a tax deduction include mileage and depreciation. But if you don't itemize your deductions on your taxes you cannot claim your automobile expenses as one of these deductions. Contact a tax preparer for more information.
Used Car Donations
Do you need to pump up your year-end donations? You might want to consider donating, rather than selling your used car. Donating your vehicle to a charity allows the charity to make money by reselling the car.
Used Car Purchase Fraud
Purchasers must do their homework ahead of time. After purchasing a used car, the car fails emission tests. The dealer has had the car for four weeks to fix the problem, but it hasn't happened. The owner would like a refund but is refuses. This sounds like fraud and the purchaser should file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.
Co-Signing Loan Leads To Problems
Co-signing a loan can be very risky. When you get stuck with the payments for a loan you co-signed for, you can speak to an attorney about what rights you have and whether you have legal options.
Car Dies After Installing New Engine
A used car needs a new engine, but still dies after installing the new engine. Ilyce recommends checking the warranty terms. Unfortunately, the car may just be a lemon.