Buying a new or used automobile is a big purchase. You want to make sure that you receive the best price, get good financing terms, and get the best car and features for you. Keep in mind safety, fuel efficiency, affordability and style when purchasing a new or used automobile. Take a look at the blog, videos, radio show and articles for more automobile advice, information and reviews.
Saving Money on Auto Insurance
Looking for a hot new car? You better start thinking about saving money on your next auto insurance policy. The annual Auto Show is coming to Chicago this weekend, as it begins to make the rounds nationally, and car manufacturers will be offering deals to tempt you into buying the newest model. According to the [...]
Road Warrior Tips: How to Handle an Accident When Traveling on Business
This post was written by guest blogger Linda Rey. Crash! What happens if you get into an accident while traveling on business? Who pays if you get into an accident during a business trip? Will your auto insurance policy take the hit or will your company’s insurance policy cover the damage? If your work takes [...]
Getting A Car Loan After Bankruptcy
Getting a car loan after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy will be difficult because of a bad credit score. Person to person lenders might be an option for getting a car loan with bad credit.
Real Estate Minute: Save Money With Hybird Cars
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Save Money With Hybird Cars Original Air Date: September 2006
Real Estate Minute: Deals of a Lifetime in New Cars
Real Estate Minute with Ilyce Glink Deals of a Lifetime in New Cars Original Air Date: August 4, 2006
Save On Gas This Year
When you're trying to improve your personal finances, every penny counts. Savings on gas can add up, and there are some simple steps you can take to lower your gasoline bills. These tips on driving more efficiently and maintaining your car are easy to implement and may save you hundreds of dollars.
Auto Tax Bill Thirteen Years Late
A collection agency sent a letter regarding a thirteen year old bill that they never received. Unfortunately, it looks like the bill and the interest needs to be paid because the bill was for a city tax. It is always your responsibility to pay taxes, even if you never receive the bill. Make sure you don't ruin your credit score and keep track of your responsibilities to pay property tax, car tax, and any other bills.
What Type Of Warranty Options Are There?
You have many warranty options when you're buying a car. This guide will help you pick the option that is right for you.
What Should I Be Cautious Of When Buying A Used Car?
When you're looking at used automobiles, there are certain red flags you need to be aware of.
How Much Car Can I Afford?
How do I know how much I can afford to pay for a car?