When you need personal finance advice and real estate advice, where best to turn but to Ilyce Glink and the ThinkGlink.com team On the ThinkGlink.com blog, we’ll give you advice on the ins and outs of real estate and personal finance matters. You can add to the conversation and give us your real estate horror stories or tell us about how you found that dream home. You can also learn about current financial issues and talk about current events that affect your finances. Whether you’re trying to improve your credit score to buy a new car or buy your first home, you can learn about some those events happening in Washington or locally that may affect you. You can also get information relating to Ilyce Glink’s weekly radio show on WSB Radio and see some of the tips she has given to listeners on air. Thanks and post a comment.
Lunch with Kay Kamin
I had lunch today with Kay Kamin, the Financial Editor for Today's Chicago Woman (an excellent monthly tabloid newspaper - www.tcwmag.com). She is als...
How Seniors Are Paying For Health Care
A new survey from Financial Freedom, the nation's largest reverse mortgage lender, takes a look at the financial, social, and quality of life attitude...
Housewares Show — The Cool Stuff
Here's what I learned at the 2006 Housewares Show, at McCormick Place in Chicago: Pastels and retro are in; ceramic knives and peelers are all the rag...
The Housewares Show Is Hot! (To Borrow A Phrase From Paris Hilton)
I just spent the last 7 hours walking maybe 5 to 6 miles at the 2006 Housewares Show. Great gadgets to share with you. I'll start blogging about them ...
Housewares Show Is Hot Hot Hot!
I'm on my way to the Housewares Show today. It's supposed to be bigger than ever this year -- with 100,000s of square feet of new products, tens of th...
Thank You To WSB For A Great Week
I spent most of last week in Atlanta filling in for Clark Howard on the Clark Howard Show on NewsTalk 750 WSB. Being in Atlanta is always a great tim...
How to Access Google With a Text Message
Yesterday on the Clark Howard show, I talked about how you can use Google to search for things through your cell phone. It's called the Google Short M...
Scams Are Top Of Mind Today
There's a nasty medicare drug plan scam going around. It's called the $299 Ring because that's how much the scam artists claim you have to pay to belo...
Tax Returns Are Taxing The Wallet
How much should you pay to file your taxes? According to a new survey from the National Society of Accountants, the mean cost of preparing a non-itemi...
AT&T – BellSouth Merger
The latest thinking is that consumers could benefit from bundling together the various services a combined AT&T-BellSouth could offer: Internet, w...