When you need personal finance advice and real estate advice, where best to turn but to Ilyce Glink and the ThinkGlink.com team On the ThinkGlink.com blog, we’ll give you advice on the ins and outs of real estate and personal finance matters. You can add to the conversation and give us your real estate horror stories or tell us about how you found that dream home. You can also learn about current financial issues and talk about current events that affect your finances. Whether you’re trying to improve your credit score to buy a new car or buy your first home, you can learn about some those events happening in Washington or locally that may affect you. You can also get information relating to Ilyce Glink’s weekly radio show on WSB Radio and see some of the tips she has given to listeners on air. Thanks and post a comment.
Live From Minneapolis
I'm in Minneapolis tonight for the Society of American Business Editors and Writer's (SABEW) Annual Conference. I thought I'd give you a few highlight...
Dallas, Charlotte, and Minneapolis
It was raining cats and dogs in Charlotte this morning. I woke in my Marriott City Center hotel room to the pitter pat of rain streaking across the wi...
How Much Do You Owe On Your Credit Cards?
Here's the heart-stopping figure of the month: $9,300. That's how much the average family carries in credit card debts. Ten years ago, the amount of d...
Today’s Show
Robert Kiyosaki (www.richdad.com) joined us on the program today to talk about the Learning Annex's Real Estate Wealth Expo in Atlanta on May 6-7 at t...
Telling About A Bad Shopping Experience
If you have a bad shopping experience, how many people do you tell? According to a new survey from the Verde Group and the Jay H. Baker Retailing Ini...
Does a Housekeeper Cure ALL Marital Ills?
My friend Leonora spent all day cleaning her house. It's Easter Sunday, not a particularly big deal in her household, but still, it's a Sunday and she...
Social Security: An Update
I spent some time researching the Department of Health and Human Services website (www.hhs.gov) and found the press release for the proposed National ...
My Own Little Tax Hell
Arrrgh. I've just signed my tax return. Although Turbo Tax says our tax rate is only 16.1 percent (or a bit higher), it sure feels like we're paying ...
Update on Social Security Numbers
If you've been listening to my weekly radio show, you know I'm ticked about doctors who "insist" you have to provide a social security number or they ...
2nd Home Crazy
Today, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) announced that 40 percent of all existing homes sold in 2005 were either second/vacation homes or in...