When you need personal finance advice and real estate advice, where best to turn but to Ilyce Glink and the ThinkGlink.com team On the ThinkGlink.com blog, we’ll give you advice on the ins and outs of real estate and personal finance matters. You can add to the conversation and give us your real estate horror stories or tell us about how you found that dream home. You can also learn about current financial issues and talk about current events that affect your finances. Whether you’re trying to improve your credit score to buy a new car or buy your first home, you can learn about some those events happening in Washington or locally that may affect you. You can also get information relating to Ilyce Glink’s weekly radio show on WSB Radio and see some of the tips she has given to listeners on air. Thanks and post a comment.
Are you working on Monday, July 3rd?
A survey of 100 human resource executives revealed that July 3rd is just another day in the calendar. Only 25 percent of companies plan to give their ...
Starting a Small Business
On yesterday's show, I recommended some assistance for people starting businesses: www.score.org www.sba.gov (small business administration) These w...
Today’s Show On Newstalk 750 WSB
On today's show, we'll take a look at some of the new scams that popped up this week, and follow up on some issues relating to Identity Theft. I'm con...
Another Post On Social Security
This is from Zuma: "I am concerned about the expectation that one gives out one's social security number to anyone, anywhere. For example, I applied...
Social Security Numbers and Protection
I'd love for WSB listeners and ThinkGlink.com visitors to put their comments about social security numbers into the blog for discussion. It's easy to ...
Happy Father’s Day
On the Ilyce Glink show today, we discussed how all you fathers, grandfathers, uncles (and mom, grandmothers and aunts) can help the recent college an...
Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005
The Senate couldn't pass a complete repeal of the estate tax. While there are enough votes to pass something, but isn't going to be a complete wipe-ou...
Student Loan Websites
If you're looking to consolidate before July 1st, you might find these websites to be helpful: National Student Loan Data System www.nslds.ed.gov Si...
An Identity Heist The Size Of Texas
That's the headline for a story in the upcoming issue of Newsweek about the data analyst from the Department of Veterans Affairs who downloaded a data...
Try These Sites For A Financial Advisor
I'm often asked how an investor can find a great financial advisor. I've interviewed hundreds of financial advisors over the years, and in a media int...